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KN - journal of cartography and geographic information
Carsten Juergens
Andreas P Redecker
Basic Geo-Spatial Data Literacy Education for Economic Applications.
KN - journal of cartography and geographic information
Carsten Juergens
Andreas P Redecker
Basic Geo-Spatial Data Literacy Education for Economic Applications.
KN - journal of cartography and geographic information
volume 72, number 1, 2022
Stefan Neumeier
Accessibility of COVID-19 Vaccination Centers in Germany via Different Means of Transport.
KN - journal of cartography and geographic information
72 (1) (2022)
Lara Koegst
Potentials of Digitally Guided Excursions at Universities Illustrated Using the Example of an Urban Geography Excursion in Stuttgart.
KN - journal of cartography and geographic information
72 (1) (2022)
Scott Pezanowski
Prasenjit Mitra
Alan M MacEachren
Exploring Descriptions of Movement Through Geovisual Analytics.
KN - journal of cartography and geographic information
72 (1) (2022)
volume 72, number 3, 2022
Martin Knura
Jochen Schiewe
Analysis of User Behaviour While Interpreting Spatial Patterns in Point Data Sets.
KN - journal of cartography and geographic information
72 (3) (2022)
Sagnik Mukherjee
Eva Hauthal
Dirk Burghardt
Analyzing the EU Migration Crisis as Reflected on Twitter.
KN - journal of cartography and geographic information
72 (3) (2022)
Carsten Juergens
Trustworthy COVID-19 Mapping: Geo-spatial Data Literacy Aspects of Choropleth Maps.
KN - journal of cartography and geographic information