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Aymone Gurtner (A Gurtner)

Scopus Author IDResearcherIDORCID

Publication Activity (10 Years)

Years Active: 2017-2023
Publications (10 Years): 8

Top Topics


Affiliation History
IFT-CNR Dec 28 2019


Researcher. Reserch interest. “Identification of microRNAs useful as prognostic biomarkers in colon cancer.”

Istituto Regina Elena


present Research Scientist at the Regina Elena Cancer Institute, Rome. Research interest: “Epigenetic role of NF-Y”, “Identification of new interactor of NF-Y by MALDI-TOF/TOF mass spectrometry on cancer cells”, “Study of miRNAs expression after therapeutic response to ATRA in APL patients”, “The NF-Y/mutp53-microRNAs Axis in Cancer Progression and Chemiotheraphy Resistance”, “MicroRNAs regulated by mutated p53 oncoproteins in cancer”.

Istituto Regina Elena


Jung Investigator Contract from Italian Minister for University and Research (FIRB), at the above mentioned Institute. Research interest: ”Exploring direct target genes of p53 and p73 proteins in vivo”.

Istituto Regina Elena


fellowship from Italian Foundation for Cancer Research (FIRC). Regina Elena Cancer Institute, Rome. Research interest: “In vivo characterisation of NF-Y DNA binding activity during proliferation, differentiation and senescence”. epigenetic and transcriptional mechanisms in tumors

University of Amsterdam


Visiting fellow in the laboratory of Roel Van Driel, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Research interest: “In vivo run on experiments to follow cyclin B1 transcription during mitosis in living cells”.

Istituto Regina Elena


Training in the Laboratory of Molecular Oncogenesis, Regina Elena Cancer Institute, Rome. Research interest: “Characterisation of NF-Y expression in adult muscle tissues”.

Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza


Training in the Laboratory of Microbiology University of Rome “La Sapienza”. Research interest: “Complete sequence of mitochondrial DNA of Saccharomyces Douglasy”.
