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Blake Hamilton
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2020-2021
Publications (10 Years): 3
Top Topics
Mental Illness
Palliative Care
Randomized Controlled Trial
Mental Health
Top Venues
JMIR research protocols
Early intervention in psychiatry
JMIR mental health
This page only lists publications with an associated author ORCID identifier.
Caitlin White
Louise Nash
Aspasia Karageorge
Renae van der Pol
Glenn E Hunt
Blake Hamilton
Sophie Isobel
Bridging the gap: A new integrated early intervention service for young people with complex mental health issues.
Early intervention in psychiatry
Henriette C Dohnt
Mitchell J Dowling
Tracey A Davenport
Grace Yeeun Lee
Shane P Cross
Elizabeth M Scott
Yun Ju Christine Song
Blake Hamilton
Samuel J Hockey
Cathrin Rohleder
Haley M LaMonica
Ian B Hickie
Supporting Clinicians to Use Technology to Deliver Highly Personalized and Measurement-Based Mental Health Care to Young People: Protocol for an Evaluation Study.
JMIR research protocols
10 (6) (2021)
Tracey A Davenport
Vanessa Wan Sze Cheng
Frank Iorfino
Blake Hamilton
Eva Castaldi
Amy Leigh Burton
Elizabeth M Scott
Ian B Hickie
Flip the Clinic: A Digital Health Approach to Youth Mental Health Service Delivery During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond.
JMIR mental health
7 (12) (2020)