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Cheryle Moss
Scopus Author ID
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Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2018-2024
Publications (10 Years): 7
Top Topics
Mental Health
Heat Stress
Decision Making
Long Term Care
Top Venues
Journal of clinical nursing
Journal of advanced nursing
Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing
Dementia (London, England)
This page only lists publications with an associated author ORCID identifier.
Gilny Rantung
Debra L Griffiths
Cheryle Moss
The social processes that emergency nurses use to achieve sustainability: A constructivist grounded theory.
Journal of advanced nursing
Rachel Cardwell
Katherine Nelson
Rachael Duncan
Beverley Copnell
Cheryle Moss
Being effective and supervising for thesis success in nursing coursework master degrees: A qualitative descriptive study.
Journal of advanced nursing
Gilny Rantung
Debra L Griffiths
Virginia Plummer
Cheryle Moss
How emergency nurses cope and motivate themselves to sustain their caring work: An integrative literature review.
Journal of clinical nursing
Norah M Alyahya
Ian Munro
Cheryle Moss
The experience of psychosis and recovery from consumers' perspectives: An integrative literature review.
Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing
Sarah Jane Cresp
Susan Fiona Lee
Cheryle Moss
A framework for nurses working in partnership with substitute decision-makers for people living with advanced dementia: A discursive paper.
Journal of clinical nursing
May El Haddad
Graham Wilkinson
Lorraine Thompson
Annette Faithfull-Byrne
Cheryle Moss
Perceptions of the impact of introducing administrative support for nurse unit managers: A qualitative evaluation.
Journal of nursing management
27 (8) (2019)
Sarah Jane Cresp
Susan Fiona Lee
Cheryle Moss
Substitute decision makers' experiences of making decisions at end of life for older persons with dementia: A systematic review and qualitative meta-synthesis.
Dementia (London, England)
19 (5) (2018)