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Debra L Griffiths
(Debra Griffiths)
Scopus Author ID
Scopus Author ID
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2018-2024
Publications (10 Years): 6
Top Topics
Health Promotion
Social Support
Acute Care
Cross Sectional
Top Venues
Journal of clinical nursing
Journal of nursing management
Journal of advanced nursing
This page only lists publications with an associated author ORCID identifier.
Gilny Rantung
Debra L Griffiths
Cheryle Moss
The social processes that emergency nurses use to achieve sustainability: A constructivist grounded theory.
Journal of advanced nursing
Gilny Rantung
Debra L Griffiths
Virginia Plummer
Cheryle Moss
How emergency nurses cope and motivate themselves to sustain their caring work: An integrative literature review.
Journal of clinical nursing
Clifford J Connell
Virginia Plummer
Kimberley Crawford
Ruth Endacott
Pieternella Foley
Debra L Griffiths
Kelli Innes
Patricia Nayna Schwerdtle
Lorraine Elizabeth Walker
Julia Morphet
Practice priorities for acute care nursing: A Delphi study.
Journal of clinical nursing
29 (13-14) (2020)
Julia Morphet
Debra L Griffiths
Jill Beattie
Kelli Innes
Managers' experiences of prevention and management of workplace violence against health care staff: A descriptive exploratory study.
Journal of nursing management
27 (4) (2019)
Jill Beattie
Debra L Griffiths
Kelli Innes
Julia Morphet
Workplace violence perpetrated by clients of health care: A need for safety and trauma-informed care.
Journal of clinical nursing
28 (1-2) (2018)
Julia Morphet
Debra L Griffiths
Kelli Innes
The trouble with reporting and utilization of workplace violence data in health care.
Journal of nursing management
27 (3) (2018)