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Egui Zhu
Scopus Author ID
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2015-2018
Publications (10 Years): 3
Top Topics
Antimicrobial Resistance
Primary Care
General Practice
Top Venues
JMIR medical education
PloS one
BMC health services research
This page only lists publications with an associated author ORCID identifier.
Egui Zhu
Uno Fors
Åsa Smedberg
Understanding how to improve physicians' paradigms for prescribing antibiotics by using a conceptual design framework: a qualitative study.
BMC health services research
18 (1) (2018)
Egui Zhu
Uno Fors
Åsa Smedberg
Exploring the needs and possibilities of physicians' continuing professional development - An explorative qualitative study in a Chinese primary care context.
PloS one
13 (8) (2018)
Egui Zhu
Anneliese Lilienthal
Lauren Aquino Shluzas
Italo Masiello
Nabil Zary
Design of Mobile Augmented Reality in Health Care Education: A Theory-Driven Framework.
JMIR medical education
1 (2) (2015)