Issaka Sagara
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Publications (10 Years): 6
Université des Sciences, des Techniques et des Technologies de Bamako
Principal Investigator for “Community Dynamics of Malaria Transmission and Mosquito Feed-ing in Bancoumana and Doneguebougou, Mali”. This research is supported by Intramural project of the National Institutes of Health, USA :: MRTC
Co-Principal Investigator for a comparative trial of seasonal vaccination with the malaria vaccine RTS,S/AS01, seasonal malaria chemoprevention and of the two interventions combined. This research is supported by London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine :: MRTC
rincipal Investigator for “Phase 1 Dose Escalating, Double-Blind, Randomized Comparator Con-trolled Trial of the Safety and Immunogenicity of Pfs25M-EPA/AS01 and Pfs230D1M-EPA/AS01 Vaccines, Transmission Blocking Vaccines against Plasmodium falciparum, at Full and Fractional Dosing in Adults in Mali (Sotuba, Bancoumana & Doneguebougou)”. This research is supported by Intramural project of the National Institutes of Health, USA :: MRTC
Deputy Head of Epidemiology, Biostatistics & Data Management :: Malaria Research and Training Center
Principal Investigator for Monitoring and Evaluation of Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention Pro-grammes ACCESS SMC. This research is supported by London School of Hygiene & Tropi-cal Medicine with financial support of UNITAID :: MRTC
Principal Investigator for “Phase 1 Study of the Safety and Immunogenicity of Pfs230D1M-EPA/Alhydrogel® and Pfs25M-EPA/Alhydrogel®, a Transmission Blocking Vaccine against Plasmodium falciparum Malaria, in Adults in the US and Mali”. This research is supported by Intramural project of the National Institutes of Health, USA :: MRTC
Co-Principal Investigator for a trial of seasonal malaria chemoprevention plus azithromycin in Mali and Burkina Faso. This research is supported by London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine :: MRTC
Mali Principal Investigator for a Phase IIIb/IV comparative, randomized, multi-centre, clinical study to assess the safety and efficacy of repetitive administration of pyronaridine-artesunate, and dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine versus artemether-lumefantrine or artesunate-amodiaquine over a two-year period in children and adult patients with acute uncomplicated Plasmodium sp. malaria. This project awarded to Prof Djimde was supported by European and De-veloping Countries Clinical Trial Partnership (EDCTP Research Gant# IP_07_ 31060_002) :: MRTC
Principal Investigator for “ Phase III open label, randomized, multicenter trial to assess the effi-cacy and safety of the dispersible arterolane maleate 37.5 mg and piperaquine phosphate (PQP) 187.5 mg tablets in comparison with Coartem® dispersible in pediatric patients with acute un-complicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria” :: MRTC
Principal Investigator for a Malaria Transmission Blocking Assay Develop-ment and Gametocyte Carriage in a Vaccine Testing Site in Mali. This re-search is supported by Intramural project of the National Institutes of Health, USA. :: MRTC
Principal Investigator for a Double-Blind Dose-Escalating Randomized Con-trolled Phase 1 Study in Malaria Exposed Adults of the Safety and Immuno-genicity of Pfs25-EPA/Alhydrogel®, a Transmission Blocking Vaccine against Plasmodium falciparum in Bancoumana, Mali. This research is sup-ported by Intramural project of the National Institutes of Health, USA :: MRTC
Principal Investigator of “A Double Blind, Randomised Study of Arterolane maleate + Piperaquine Phosphate Versus Artemether – Lumefantrine for Falciparum malaria in Asia and Africa”. The study was conducted in Kolle, Mali in Collaboration with Ranbaxy. This study involved subjects aged from 12 to 65 years old :: MRTC
Principal Investigator for a Phase 1 Study of the Safety and Immunogenicity of BSAM-2/Alhydrogel®+CPG 7909, an Asexual Blood Stage Vaccine for Plasmodium falciparum Malaria in Adults in the US and in Bancoumana, Mali. This research is supported by Intramural project of the National Insti-tutes of Health, USA
Principal Investigator for assessing Rapid malaria diagnostic test (RDT) and treatment compliance selected MRTC sites and National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) sentinel sites. This project is supported by NMCP through Global Funds :: MRTC
Principal Investigator for Malaria combination therapy trial, assessing the ef-ficacy and safety of Chloroquine plus Azythromycin vs. Aremether-lumefantrine among children in Kolle and Bougoula-Hameau, Mali in Col-laboration with Pfizer :: MRTC
Principal Investigator for: - Malaria combination therapy trial, assessing the efficacy and safety of Chlo-roquine plus Azythromycin vs. Mefloquine among adults in Bancoumana and Surrounding, Mali in Collaboration with Pfizer - Randomized, controlled, Phase 1 study of the safety and immunogenicity of the AMA1-C1/Alhydrogel® + CPG 7909 vaccine for Plasmodium falcipa-rum malaria, in semi-immune Malian adults. This research is supported by Intramural project of the National Institutes of Health, USA :: MRTC
Co-Principal Investigator of UNICEF Pilot Implementation of Malaria Intermit-tent Preventive Treatment in infants (IPTi) in Mali. This study involved infants below 1 year :: MRTC
Site Principal Investigator of Bancoumana: Randomized, Controlled, Phase 1/2 Study of the Safety and Immunogenicity of Ama1-C1/Alhydrogel® Vaccine for Plasmodium falciparum Malaria in Children in Donéguébougou and Bancouma-na, Mali. This research is supported by Intramural project of the National Insti-tutes of Health, USA :: MRTC
Data Quality Manager of “a Randomized, Controlled, Dose escalation Phase 1 clinical trial to evaluate the Safety and Immunogenicity of WRAIR’s AMA-1 malaria vaccine (FMP2.1) Adjuvanted in GSKBIO’s AS02A vs. Rabies Vaccine in 1-6 year old children in Bandiagara, Mali in collaboration with the University of Maryland and extramural NIH, USA :: MRTC
Principal Investigator for: - Malaria combination therapy trial, assessing the efficacy and safety of Coarsucam® (Artesunate/Amodiaquine) fixed dose vs. Coartem® (Artemether plus Lumefantrine) in Bancoumana and surroundings, Mali in Collaboration with Sanofi. - A randomized, investigator-blinded, multicenter, parallel-group study to com-pare efficacy, safety and tolerability of Coartem® dispersible tablet formulation vs. Coartem® 6-dose crushed tablet in the treatment of acute uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in infants and children in Kollé in Collaboration with Novartis. -An open randomized multi-centre clinical trial in Africa, comparing three arte-misinin-based combination treatments [Artesunate-sulfamethoxypyrazine-pyrimethamine (fixed dose over 3 days) Artesunate-sulfamethoxypyrazine-pyrimethamine (fixed dose over 24 hours) Artemether-Lumefantrine (fixed dose over 3 days)] on Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Bancoumana and surround-ings, Mali :: MRTC
Principal Investigator of Malaria combination therapy trial, assessing the effica-cy and safety of Chloroquine plus Azythromycin vs. Mefloquine among adults in Sotuba, Bamako and Bougoula, Sikasso, Mali in Collaboration with Pfizer :: Malaria Research and Training Center
Co-Principal Investigator of Malaria combination therapy trial, assessing the ef-ficacy and safety of Amodiaquine plus Sulfalene vs. Coartem® (Artemether plus Lumefantrine) in Sotuba, Mali in Collaboration with Pfizer This study involved subjects aged from 2 to 56 years old :: Malaria Research and Training Center
Principal Investigator of Malaria combination therapy trial, assessing the effica-cy and safety of Artequin® (Artesunate plus Mefloquine) vs. Coartem® (Arte-mether plus Lumefantrine) in Kambila, Mali in collaboration with Mepha Phar-ma, Switzerland :: Malaria Research and Training Center
Investigator in Malaria vaccine trials in two sites (Bandiagara and Doneguebou-gou, Mali)
Principal Investigator of Malaria combination therapy trial, assessing the effica-cy and safety of Coarinate® (Artesunate plus Sulfamethopyrazine-pyrimethamine) vs. Coartem® (Artemether plus Lumefantrine) in Sotuba, Mali in collaboration with Dafra Pharma, Belgium :: Malaria Research and Training Center
Coordinator of malaria re-infection and incidence study in 2 sites in Mali (Doneguébougou and Sotuba) with different malaria transmission level in order to assess the feasibility for malaria vaccine trials with small sample size :: Malaria Research and Training Center
Co-investigator on chloroquine resistance level assessment and the polyclonality of Plasmodium falciparum infection in Bancoumana, Mali; within the framework of Tropical Medicine Re-search project :: Malaria Research and Training Center
Co-investigator on malaria chemoprophylaxis using chloroquine and proguanil among pregnant women in peri-urban area of Sikasso, MALI. This study was done in Collaboration with Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Geneva, Switzerland :: Malaria Research and Training Center
Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices studies on malaria among population living in peri-urban and rural areas of Mali :: Malaria Research and Training Center
- Camila H Coelho, Susanna Marquez, Bergeline C Nguemwo Tentokam, Anne D Berhe, Kazutoyo Miura, Vishal N Rao, Carole A Long, Ogobara K Doumbo, Issaka Sagara, Sara Anne Healy, Steven H Kleinstein, Patrick Emmet Duffy
- Camila H Coelho, Susanna Marquez, Bergeline C Nguemwo Tentokam, Anne D Berhe, Kazutoyo Miura, Vishal N Rao, Carole A Long, Ogobara K Doumbo, Issaka Sagara, Sara Anne Healy, Steven H Kleinstein, Patrick Emmet Duffy
- Mahamat Idriss Djaskano, Mady Cissoko, Mahamat Saleh Issakha Diar, Demba Kodindo Israel, Kerah Hinzoumbé Clément, Aicha Mohamed Ali, Makido Dormbaye, Issa Mahamat Souleymane, Adam Batrane, Issaka Sagara
- Kazutoyo Miura, Thao P Pham, Shwu-Maan Lee, Jordan Plieskatt, Ababacar Diouf, Issaka Sagara, Camila Henriques Coelho, Patrick Emmet Duffy, Yimin Wu, Carole A Long
- Abdoulaye Katile, Issaka Sagara, Mady Cissoko, Cedric Stephane Bationo, Mathias Dolo, Ismaila Thera, Siriman Traore, Mamady Kone, Pascal Dembele, Djoouro Bocoum, Ibrahima Sidibe, Ismael Simaga, Mahamadou Soumana Sissoko, Jordi Landier, Gaudart Jean