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Nathan K Cobb
(Nathan Cobb)
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2016-2021
Publications (10 Years): 5
Top Topics
Lower Limb
Randomized Controlled Trial
Health Promotion
Smoking Cessation
Top Venues
Journal of medical Internet research
JMIR public health and surveillance
Journal of participatory medicine
This page only lists publications with an associated author ORCID identifier.
Tavleen Singh
Sofia Olivares
Trevor Cohen
Nathan K Cobb
Jing Wang
Amy Franklin
Sahiti Myneni
Pragmatics to Reveal Intent in Social Media Peer Interactions: Mixed Methods Study.
Journal of medical Internet research
23 (11) (2021)
Tavleen Singh
Kirk E Roberts
Trevor Cohen
Nathan K Cobb
Jing Wang
Kayo Fujimoto
Sahiti Myneni
Social Media as a Research Tool (SMaaRT) for Risky Behavior Analytics: Methodological Review.
JMIR public health and surveillance
6 (4) (2020)
Sahiti Myneni
Vishnupriya Sridharan
Nathan K Cobb
Trevor Cohen
Content-Sensitive Characterization of Peer Interactions of Highly Engaged Users in an Online Community for Smoking Cessation: Mixed-Methods Approach for Modeling User Engagement in Health Promotion Interventions.
Journal of participatory medicine
10 (3) (2018)
Josée Poirier
Wendy L Bennett
Gerald J Jerome
Nina G Shah
Mariana Lazo
Hsin-Chieh Yeh
Jeanne M Clark
Nathan K Cobb
Effectiveness of an Activity Tracker- and Internet-Based Adaptive Walking Program for Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
Journal of medical Internet research
18 (2) (2016)
Sahiti Myneni
Nathan K Cobb
Trevor Cohen
In Pursuit of Theoretical Ground in Behavior Change Support Systems: Analysis of Peer-to-Peer Communication in a Health-Related Online Community.
Journal of medical Internet research
18 (2) (2016)