Publication Activity (10 Years)
Publications (10 Years): 9
American University of Ras Al Khaimah
University of Lucknow (PHD)
United Arab Emirates
Associate Professor :: Mathematics and Natural Sciences
United Arab Emirates
Assistant Professor of Chemistry :: Mathematics and Natural Sciences
United Arab Emirates
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Chemistry :: Department of Biotechnology
United Arab Emirates
Adjunct Faculty of Chemistry :: Mathematics and Natural Sciences
United States
Postdoctoral Research Associate :: Chemistry and Biochemistry Department,
Postdoctoral Fellow :: Leiden/ Amsterdam Centre for Drug Research (LACDR)
Senior Research Fellow :: Central Drug Research Institute (CDRI)
Junior Research Fellow :: Central Drug Research Institute (CDRI)
PHD :: Central Drug Research Institute
- Denis Mustafov, Shoib S Siddiqui, Andreas Kukol, George I Lambrou, Dr. Shagufta ., Irshad Ahmad, Maria Braoudaki
- Dr. Shagufta ., Irshad Ahmad, Donna J Nelson, Maheen Imtiaz Hussain, Noora Ali Nasar
- Dr. Shagufta ., Irshad Ahmad, Donna J Nelson, Maheen Imtiaz Hussain, Noora Ali Nasar
- Denis Mustafov, Shoib S Siddiqui, Andreas Kukol, George I Lambrou, Dr. Shagufta ., Irshad Ahmad, Maria Braoudaki
- Dr. Shagufta ., Irshad Ahmad
- Dr. Shagufta ., Irshad Ahmad
- Dr. Shagufta ., Irshad Ahmad, Shimy Mathew, Sofia Rahman
- Irshad Ahmad, Dr. Shagufta ., Abdul Rahman AlMallah
- Dr. Shagufta ., Irshad Ahmad