Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2017-2024
Publications (10 Years): 14
Publications (10 Years): 14
CNRS Délégation Provence et Corse
Affiliation History
CNRS Délégation Provence et Corse
Jan 03 2005
PI :: Cancer Research Center of Marseille
University of Oxford
Sep 02 2001
- Feb 28 2005
United Kingdom
Visiting scientist :: Structural Biology
CNRS Délégation Midi-Pyrénées
Oct 01 1992
- Feb 28 2005
Chargé de recherche :: Laboratoire des Interactions Plantes Microorganismes
University of Georgia
Jul 01 1995
- Jan 09 1997
United States
Visiting Scientist :: Complex Carbohydrate Research Centre
- Laurent Hoffer, Manon Garcia, Raphael Leblanc, Mikael Feracci, Stéphane Betzi, Khaoula Ben Yaala, Avais M Daulat, Pascale Zimmermann, Philippe Roche, Karine Barral, Xavier Morelli
- Magali Saez-Ayala, Laurent Hoffer, Sébastien Abel, Khaoula Ben Yaala, Benoit Sicard, Guillaume P Andrieu, Mehdi Latiri, Emma K Davison, Marco A Ciufolini, Paul Brémond, Etienne Rebuffet, Philippe Roche, Carine Derviaux, Edwige Voisset, Camille Montersino, Remy Castellano, Yves Collette, Vahid Asnafi, Stéphane Betzi, Patrice Dubreuil, Sébastien Combes, Xavier Morelli
- Thomas Cuny, Pauline Romanet, Michelle Goldsworthy, Carole Guérin, Marie Wilkin, Philippe Roche, Frédéric A Sebag, Lynn E van Summeren, Mark Stevenson, Sarah A Howles, Jean Claude Deharo, Rajesh V Thakker, David Taïeb
- Laetitia Ganier, Stéphane Betzi, Carine Derviaux, Philippe Roche, Charlotte Dessaux, Christophe Muller, Laurent Hoffer, Xavier Morelli, Jean-Paul Borg
- Kendall Carrasco, Camille Montersino, Carine Derviaux, Magali Saez-Ayala, Laurent Hoffer, Audrey Restouin, Rémy Castellano, Justine Casassa, Philippe Roche, Eddy Pasquier, Sébastien Combes, Xavier Morelli, Yves Collette, Stéphane Betzi
- Nicolas Bosc, Christophe Muller, Laurent Hoffer, David Lagorce, Stéphane Bourg, Carine Derviaux, Marie-Edith Gourdel, Jean-Christophe Rain, Thomas W Miller, Bruno O Villoutreix, Maria A Miteva, Pascal Bonnet, Xavier Morelli, Olivier Sperandio, Philippe Roche
- Laurent Hoffer, Magali Saez-Ayala, Dragos Horvath, Alexander Varnek, Xavier Morelli, Philippe Roche
- Annick Guiseppi, Juan Jesus Vicente, Julien Herrou, Deborah Byrne, Aurelie Barneoud, Audrey Moine, Leon Espinosa, Marie-Jeanne Basse, Virginie Molle, Tâm Mignot, Philippe Roche, Emillia M F Mauriello
- Laurent Hoffer, Christophe Muller, Philippe Roche, Xavier Morelli
- Laurent Hoffer, Yuliia V Voitovich, Brigitt Raux, Kendall Carrasco, Christophe Muller, Aleksey Y Fedorov, Carine Derviaux, Agnès Amouric, Stéphane Betzi, Dragos Horvath, Alexander Varnek, Yves Collette, Sébastien Combes, Philippe Roche, Xavier Morelli
- Amandine Cartier-Michaud, Anne-Laure Bailly, Stéphane Betzi, Xiaoli Shi, Jean-Claude Lissitzky, Ana Zarubica, Arnauld Sergé, Philippe Roche, Adrien Lugari, Véronique Hamon, Florence Bardin, Carine Derviaux, Frédérique Lembo, Stephane Audebert, Sylvie Marchetto, Bénédicte Durand, Jean-Paul Borg, Ning Shi, Xavier Morelli, Michel A Aurrand-Lions