Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2019-2024
Publications (10 Years): 33
Publications (10 Years): 33
Top Venues
McGill University Health Centre
Affiliation History
McGill University Health Centre
General Internist :: Medicine
Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre
Scientist :: Centre for Outcomes Evaluation and Research
Université McGill
Associate Professor :: Medicine
- Claude Vincent, Frédéric S Dumont, Manon Rogers, Tiffany Hu, Alec Bass, Mylène Aubertin-Leheudre, Anthony D Karelis, Suzanne N Morin, Michelle McKerral, Cyril Duclos, Dany H Gagnon
- Alec Bass, Suzanne N Morin, Michael Guidea, Jacqueline T A T Lam, Anthony D Karelis, Mylène Aubertin-Leheudre, Dany H Gagnon, null null
- Alec Bass, Suzanne N Morin, Michael Guidea, Jacqueline T A T Lam, Anthony D Karelis, Mylène Aubertin-Leheudre, Dany H Gagnon, null null
- Alec Bass, Suzanne N Morin, Michael Guidea, Jacqueline T A T Lam, Anthony D Karelis, Mylène Aubertin-Leheudre, Dany H Gagnon, null null
- N Hassanabadi, C Berger, A Papaioannou, A M Cheung, E Rahme, W D Leslie, D Goltzman, Suzanne N Morin
- Suzanne N Morin, Claudie Berger, Alexandra Papaioannou, Angela M Cheung, Elham Rahme, William D Leslie, David GoltzmanAuthor response to letter to editor OSIN-D-23-00809: ALDH2 polymorphism rs671 and alcohol consumption: possible explanatory factors for race/ethnic differences in bone density. Osteoporosis international : a journal established as result of cooperation between the European Foundation for Osteoporosis and the National Osteoporosis Foundation of the USA (2023)
- Matteo Ponzano, N Tibert, S Brien, L Funnell, Jenna C Gibbs, Heather H Keller, J Laprade, Suzanne N Morin, Alexandra Papaioannou, Zachary J Weston, T H Wideman, Lora M GiangregorioPublisher Correction: International consensus on the non-pharmacological and non-surgical management of osteoporotic vertebral fractures. Osteoporosis international : a journal established as result of cooperation between the European Foundation for Osteoporosis and the National Osteoporosis Foundation of the USA (2023)
- Carrie Ye, Suzanne N Morin, Lisa M Lix, Eugene V McCloskey, Helena Johansson, Nicholas C W Harvey, John A Kanis, William D Leslie
- Gregory A Kline, Suzanne N Morin, Lisa M Lix, William D Leslie
- Anne-Frédérique Turcotte, Sonia Jean, Suzanne N Morin, Fabrice Mac-Way, Claudia Gagnon
- Carrie Ye, Suzanne N Morin, Lisa M Lix, Eugene V McCloskey, Helena Johansson, Nicholas C W Harvey, John A Kanis, William D Leslie
- Carrie Ye, Suzanne N Morin, Lisa M Lix, Eugene V McCloskey, Helena Johansson, Nicholas C W Harvey, John A Kanis, William D Leslie
- Anne-Frédérique Turcotte, Sonia Jean, Suzanne N Morin, Fabrice Mac-Way, Claudia Gagnon
- Matteo Ponzano, N Tibert, S Brien, L Funnell, Jenna C Gibbs, Heather H Keller, J Laprade, Suzanne N Morin, Alexandra Papaioannou, Zachary J Weston, T H Wideman, Lora M Giangregorio
- William D Leslie, Suzanne N Morin, Lisa M Lix, Eugene V McCloskey, Helena Johansson, Nicholas C W Harvey, John A Kanis
- Julie-Catherine Coll, Élodie Garceau, William D Leslie, Mathieu Genest, Laëtitia Michou, S John Weisnagel, Fabrice Mac-Way, Caroline Albert, Suzanne N Morin, Remi Rabasa-Lhoret, Claudia Gagnon
- Ahreum Lee, Caitlin McArthur, George Ioannidis, Jonathan D Adachi, Lauren E Griffith, Lehana Thabane, Lora M Giangregorio, Suzanne N Morin, William D Leslie, Justin Lee, Alexandra Papaioannou
- Katherine Drummond, Roxanne Bennett, Jenna Gibbs, Roger Wei, Wen Hu, Vanessa Tardio, Claudia Gagnon, Claudie Berger, Suzanne N Morin
- William D Leslie, Suzanne N Morin, Lisa M Lix, Eugene V McCloskey, Helena Johansson, Nicholas C W Harvey, John A Kanis
- Carrie Ye, John T Schousboe, Suzanne N Morin, Lisa M Lix, William D LeslieTime since prior fracture affects mortality at the time of clinical assessment: a registry-based cohort study. Osteoporosis international : a journal established as result of cooperation between the European Foundation for Osteoporosis and the National Osteoporosis Foundation of the USA 33 (6) (2022)
- Nazila Hassanabadi, Claudie Berger, Alexandra Papaioannou, Angela M Cheung, Elham Rahme, William D Leslie, David Goltzman, Suzanne N MorinVariation in bone mineral density and fractures over 20 years among Canadians: a comparison of the Canadian Multicenter Osteoporosis Study and the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging. Osteoporosis international : a journal established as result of cooperation between the European Foundation for Osteoporosis and the National Osteoporosis Foundation of the USA (2022)
- Andréa Senay, Julio Cesar Fernandes, Josée Delisle, Suzanne N Morin, Alice Dragomir, Sara Nazha, Sylvie Perreault
- Delphine Farlay, Sébastien Rizzo, Louis-Georges Ste-Marie, Laëtitia Michou, Suzanne N Morin, Shijing Qiu, Pascale Chavassieux, Roland D Chapurlat, Sudhaker Dhanwada Rao, Jacques P Brown, Georges Boivin
- Suzanne N Morin, L Yan, L M Lix, W D LeslieLong-term risk of subsequent major osteoporotic fracture and hip fracture in men and women: a population-based observational study with a 25-year follow-up. Osteoporosis international : a journal established as result of cooperation between the European Foundation for Osteoporosis and the National Osteoporosis Foundation of the USA 32 (12) (2021)
- C Cherid, A Baghdadli, M Wall, N E Mayo, G Berry, E J Harvey, A Albers, S G Bergeron, Suzanne N MorinCurrent level of technology use, health and eHealth literacy in older Canadians with a recent fracture-a survey in orthopedic clinics. Osteoporosis international : a journal established as result of cooperation between the European Foundation for Osteoporosis and the National Osteoporosis Foundation of the USA 31 (7) (2020)
- Alec Bass, Mylène Aubertin-Leheudre, Claude Vincent, Anthony D Karelis, Suzanne N Morin, Michelle McKerral, Cyril Duclos, Dany H Gagnon
- Nicholas Mikolajewicz, Nick Bishop, Andrew J Burghardt, Lars Folkestad, Anthony Hall, Kenneth M Kozloff, Pauline T Lukey, Michael Molloy-Bland, Suzanne N Morin, Amaka C Offiah, Jay Shapiro, Bert van Rietbergen, Kim Wager, Bettina M Willie, Svetlana V Komarova, Francis H Glorieux
- Robert B Conley, Gemma Adib, Robert A Adler, Kristina E Åkesson, Ivy M Alexander, Kelly C Amenta, Robert D Blank, William Timothy Brox, Emily E Carmody, Karen Chapman-Novakofski, Bart Lyman Clarke, Kathleen M Cody, Cyrus Cooper, Carolyn J Crandall, Douglas R Dirschl, Thomas J Eagen, Ann L Elderkin, Masaki Fujita, Susan L Greenspan, Philippe Halbout, Marc C Hochberg, Muhammad Javaid, Kyle J Jeray, Ann E Kearns, Toby King, Thomas F Koinis, Jennifer Scott Koontz, Martin Kužma, Carleen Lindsey, Mattias Lorentzon, George P Lyritis, Laura Boehnke Michaud, Armando Miciano, Suzanne N Morin, Nadia Mujahid, Nicola Napoli, Thomas P Olenginski, J Edward Puzas, Stavroula Rizou, Clifford J Rosen, Kenneth Saag, Elizabeth Thompson, Laura L Tosi, Howard Tracer, Sundeep Khosla, Douglas P Kiel
- Suzanne N Morin, M Djekic-Ivankovic, L Funnell, L Giangregorio, I B Rodrigues, R Ridout, S Feldman, S Kim, H McDonald-Blumer, G Kline, W E Ward, N Santesso, W D LesliePatient engagement in clinical guidelines development: input from > 1000 members of the Canadian Osteoporosis Patient Network. Osteoporosis international : a journal established as result of cooperation between the European Foundation for Osteoporosis and the National Osteoporosis Foundation of the USA 31 (5) (2019)
- William D Leslie, Suzanne N Morin, Lisa M Lix, Saroj Niraula, Eugene V McCloskey, Helena Johansson, Nicholas C W Harvey, John A Kanis
- John T Schousboe, Lisa M Lix, Suzanne N Morin, Sheldon Derkatch, Mark Bryanton, Mashael Alhrbi, William D Leslie