Accurate Prediction of Sensory Attributes of Cheese Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Based on Artificial Neural Network.
Belén CurtoVidal MorenoJuan Alberto García-EstebanFrancisco Javier BlancoInmaculada González-MartinAna Maria Vívar-QuintanaIsabel RevillaPublished in: Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) (2020)
The acceptance of a food product by the consumer depends, as the most important factor, on its sensory properties. Therefore, it is clear that the food industry needs to know the perceptions of sensory attributes to know the acceptability of a product. There exist procedures that systematically allows measurement of these property perceptions that are performed by professional panels. However, systematic evaluations of attributes by these tasting panels, which avoid the subjective character for an individual taster, have a high economic, temporal and organizational cost. The process is only applied in a sampled way so that its result cannot be used on a sound and complete quality system. In this paper, we present a method that allows making use of a non-destructive measurement of physical-chemical properties of the target product to obtain an estimation of the sensory description given by QDA-based procedure. More concisely, we propose that through Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), we will obtain a reliable prediction that will relate the near-infrared (NIR) spectrum of a complete set of cheese samples with a complete image of the sensory attributes that describe taste, texture, aspect, smell and other relevant sensations.