Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Artisanal and Small-Scale Miners regarding Tuberculosis, Human Immunodeficiency Virus, and Silicosis in Zimbabwe.
Dingani MoyoFungai KavengaRonald Thulani NcubeFarai Peter MacheriTariro Christwish MandoFlorence MoyoOrippa MuzvidziwaMpokiseng NcubeHellen MasvingoBlessings ChigarazaAndrew NyamboAlbert MangwanyaRosemary Ncube MwaleTrust MazadzaTinashe MagidiGerald BennyChamunorwa NdudzoVictoria Varaidzo KandidoKudzaishe MutungamiriCollins TimirePublished in: International journal of environmental research and public health (2023)
In Zimbabwe, artisanal and small-scale miners (ASMs) have a high prevalence of tuberculosis (TB), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and silicosis. Previous studies on ASMs utilised programme data, and it was not possible to understand reasons for the high prevalence of these comorbidities. We conducted a cross-sectional study to investigate the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of ASMs regarding TB, HIV, and silicosis. We enrolled a convenience sample of 652 ASMs. Their mean (standard deviation) age was 34.2 (10.8) years. There were 602 (92%) men and over 75% had attained secondary education. A total of 504 (80%) of the ASMs knew that TB is a curable disease, and 564 (87%) knew that they were at higher risk of TB than the general population. However, they were less likely to know that HIV increases the risk of TB disease, 340 (52%), with only 226 (35%) who perceived the risk of TB infection to be high among ASMs. Only 564 (59%) were aware that silica dust causes permanent and incurable lung diseases. Six hundred and twenty (97%) showed a positive attitude towards healthcare when they were sick, and 97% were willing to use special respirators to prevent dust inhalation. On practices, only 159 (30%) reported consistent use of either cloth or respirators to prevent dust inhalation. Three hundred and five (49%) ASMs reported consistent use of condoms outside their homes and 323 (50%) reported use of water to suppress dust. Only 480 (75%) of ASMs sought healthcare services when sick. ASMs cited challenges of accessing healthcare services due to lack of money to pay for healthcare (50%), long distances to clinics (17%), and the shortage of medicines at clinics (11%). Effective control of TB, silicosis, and HIV among ASMs requires addressing the identified knowledge gaps and barriers that are faced by ASMs in accessing personal protective equipment and healthcare services. This will require multisector collaboration and the involvement of ASMs in co-designing a package of healthcare services that are tailored for them.