The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on speech and language therapy services in Ireland: A mixed-methods survey at two time points during the pandemic.
Nicole MüllerRena LyonsAnne Marie DevlinStanislava Antonijevic-ElliottVickie KirkpatrickPublished in: International journal of language & communication disorders (2023)
What is already known on this subject The negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on SLT services has been examined in several countries. Ireland imposed more stringent pandemic-management measures than many other countries, and it was therefore warranted to investigate how SLT services in the country were affected. What this study adds to the existing knowledge Face-to-face SLT services effectively ceased in most non-urgent contexts in spring 2020. This coincided with large-scale redeployment of SLTs to non-SLT contexts. By autumn 2020, demand had increased again, but not all services had recommenced, and redeployment was still a factor. Although SLTs adapted to the ongoing changes imposed by the pandemic, they voiced concern about increasing backlogs and longer waiting lists, ongoing and increasing pressure on both SLTs and services, and negative impacts on clients and families. What are the actual and clinical implications of this work? The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant negative impact on SLT services in Ireland. Going forward, the SLT profession and its services will require sustained support to mitigate long-term negative consequences, such as increased waiting lists.