Nurses Coping with Stressful Situations-A Cross-Sectional Study.
Grażyna Iwanowicz-PalusMariola MrózKrystyna KowalczukBeata SzlendakAgnieszka BieńMateusz CybulskiPublished in: International journal of environmental research and public health (2022)
Nursing belongs to the group of professions particularly exposed to stress. Since the ability to cope with stress is an important aspect of mental health, the aim of this study was to identify the types of nurses' behaviours in terms of different coping styles used when dealing with work-related and psychosocial stress. The study was conducted among 1223 Polish nurses by means of a diagnostic survey, using the Coping in Stressful Situations Questionnaire (CISS), the Generalised Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES) and a questionnaire of the author's own design. Three types of nurses were distinguished: Type 1 (non-harmonious/organised)-nurses with lower professional education, longer work experience, at least average severity of stress related to working conditions, the lowest GSES scores, and worse psychophysical condition, who focused on their own emotional state when faced with stressful situations. Type 2 (harmonious)-nurses with higher education, the lowest intensity of work-related stresses, the highest GSES scores, positive self-reported psycho-physical condition, most often using the task-oriented coping style in stressful situations. Type 3 (non-harmonious/disorganised)-nurses with shorter length of service in the profession, the highest intensity of work-related stress, average GSES scores, and poorer self-reported psycho-physical condition. The presented results may provide a basis for preventive measures to minimise stress and increase competence in coping strategies, thus contributing to improved psychological and physical well-being of nurses.