Nationwide incidence of sarcomas and connective tissue tumors of intermediate malignancy over four years using an expert pathology review network.

Gonzague de PinieuxMarie KaranianFrancois Le LoarerSophie Le GuellecSylvie ChabaudPhilippe TerrierCorinne BouvierMaxime BatistellaAgnès NeuvilleYves-Marie RobinJean-Francois EmileAnne MoreauFrederique LarousserieAgnes LerouxNathalie StockMarick LaeFrancoise CollinNicolas WeinbreckSebastien AubertFlorence MishellanyCeline Charon-BarraSabrina CroceLaurent DoucetIsabelle Quintin-RouetMarie-Christine ChateauCeline BazilleIsabelle ValoBruno ChetailleNicolas OrtonneAnne BrouchetPhilippe RochaixAnne DemuretJean-Pierre GhnassiaLenaig MescamNicolas MacagnoIsabelle Birtwisle-PeyrottesChristophe DelfourEmilie AngotIsabelle PommepuyDominique RanchereClaire Chemin-AiriauMyriam Jean-DenisYohan FayetJean-Baptiste CourrègesNouria MesliJuliane BerchoudMaud ToulmondeAntoine ItalianoAxel Le CesneNicolas PenelFrancoise DucimetiereFrancois GouinJean-Michel CoindreJean Yves Blaynull null
Published in: PloS one (2021)
This nationwide registry of sarcoma patients, with exhaustive histology review by sarcoma experts, shows that the incidence of sarcoma and TIM is higher than reported, and that tumors with a very low incidence (1<106/year) are less likely to be included in clinical trials.