Factors associated with biomedical research participation within community-based samples across 3 National Cancer Institute-designated cancer centers.
Nadine J BarrettElisa Marie RodriguezRonaldo IachanTerry HyslopKearston L IngrahamGem M LeKelly MartinRodney C HaringNatalie A RivadeneiraDeborah O ErwinLaura J FishDeirdre MiddletonRobert A HiattSteven R PatiernoUrmimala SarkarElizabeth A Gage-BouchardPublished in: Cancer (2020)
Traditionally underserved racial and ethnic groups reported heightened opportunity and interest in participating in biomedical research. Well-established community partnerships and long-standing community engagement around biomedical research led to a diverse sample being reached at each site and may in part explain the current study findings. However, this study illustrates an ongoing need to establish trust and diversify biomedical research participation through innovative and tailored approaches. National Cancer Institute-designated cancer centers have the potential to increase opportunities for diverse participation in biomedical research through community partnerships and engagement. Additional work remains to identify and address system-level and individual-level barriers to participation in both clinical trials and biospecimen donation for research.