A Genome of Temperate Enterococcus Bacteriophage Placed in a Space of Pooled Viral Dark Matter Sequences.

Ivan M PchelinPavel V TkachevDaniil V AzarovAndrey N GorshkovDaria O DrachkoVasily V ZlatogurskyAlexander V DmitrievArtemiy E Goncharov
Published in: Viruses (2023)
In the human gut, temperate bacteriophages interact with bacteria through predation and horizontal gene transfer. Relying on taxonomic data, metagenomic studies have associated shifts in phage abundance with a number of human diseases. The temperate bacteriophage VEsP-1 with siphovirus morphology was isolated from a sample of river water using Enterococcus faecalis as a host. Starting from the whole genome sequence of VEsP-1, we retrieved related phage genomes in blastp searches of the tail protein and large terminase sequences, and blastn searches of the whole genome sequences, with matches compiled from several different databases, and visualized a part of viral dark matter sequence space. The genome network and phylogenomic analyses resulted in the proposal of a novel genus "Vespunovirus", consisting of temperate, mainly metagenomic phages infecting Enterococcus spp.