Food intake reporting bias among adolescents with depression.

Susan C CampisiKatherine T CostDaphne J Korczak
Published in: European journal of clinical nutrition (2021)
There is a growing body of research supporting adjunctive dietary interventions to improve depressive symptoms. Quantifying the level of dietary intake reporting accuracy is important when assessing dietary intervention efficacy. The current study assesses dietary intake reporting accuracy among children and adolescents clinically diagnosed with depression. Forty-six participants (87.0% female) with clinically diagnosed depression were included in this analysis with a mean age of 15.04 ± 1.52 years. The reporting accuracy of energy intake was determined using a single dietary recall and the McCrory equations. Thirty (64.8%) participants were categorized as plausible reporters, 16 (35.2%) as under-reporters and none were over-reporters. Mean energy estimates were misreported by -1192.618 ± 817.87 kcal and were proportional to caloric intake. The only covariate significantly associated with misreporting was obesity/overweight. Misreporting was not associated with depressive symptom burden. Depressive symptomology was not associated with under-reporting, indicating that adolescents with clinically diagnosed depression are able to report dietary intake at accuracy levels comparable to adolescents in community samples.