Measuring Users' Receptivity Toward an Integral Intervention Model Based on mHealth Solutions for Patients With Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia (m-RESIST): A Qualitative Study.
Elena Huerta-RamosMaria Soledad Escobar-VillegasKatya RubinsteinZsolt Szabolcs UnokaEva GrasaMargarita HospedalesErika JääskeläinenElena Rubio-AbadalAsaf CaspiIstván BitterJesus BerdunJussi SeppäläSusana OchoaKata Fazekasnull nullIluminada CorripioJudith UsallPublished in: JMIR mHealth and uHealth (2016)
Positive receptivity toward m-RESIST services is related to its usefulness in meeting user needs, its capacity to empower them, and the possibility of maintaining human contact.