2015/16 I-MOVE/I-MOVE+ multicentre case-control study in Europe: Moderate vaccine effectiveness estimates against influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 and low estimates against lineage-mismatched influenza B among children.
Esther KisslingMarta ValencianoFrancisco PozoAna-Maria VilcuAnnicka ReussCaterina RizzoLarrauri AmparoJudit Krisztina HorváthMia BryttingLisa DomeganMonika KorczyńskaAdam MeijerAusenda MachadoAlina IvanciucVesna Višekruna VučinaSylvie van der WerfBrunhilde SchweigerAntonino BellaAlin GherasimAnnamária FerencziKatherina ZakikhanyJoan O DonnellIwona Paradowska-StankiewiczFrederika DijkstraRaquel GuiomarMihaela LazarSanja Kurečić FilipovićKari JohansenAlain Morennull nullPublished in: Influenza and other respiratory viruses (2018)
Vaccine effectiveness (VE) against influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 and its genetic group 6B.1 was moderate in children and adults, and low among individuals ≥65 years. Vaccine effectiveness (VE) against influenza B was low and heterogeneous among age groups. More information on effects of previous vaccination and previous infection is needed to understand the VE results against influenza B in the context of a mismatched vaccine.