Satisfaction with injection experience of patients with neuroendocrine tumors enrolled on lanreotide autogel patient support programs: Results from the international HomeLAN survey.

Jorge HernandoTeodora KolarovaChris VerslypeGrigorios KaltsasAude HouchardDelphine GueguenWouter W de Herder
Published in: Journal of neuroendocrinology (2023)
Lanreotide autogel/depot (LAN) is a somatostatin analog used in first-line treatment for neuroendocrine tumors (NETs). The aim of HomeLAN was to evaluate the satisfaction with injection experience among patients with NETs receiving at-home LAN injection via patient support programs (PSPs). This was an international, non-interventional, cross-sectional, online survey in adults with NETs enrolled in PSPs, receiving LAN injections at home, administered by a healthcare professional (HCP) or administered independently (self or caregiver administering injection). The primary endpoint was satisfaction with the most recent LAN injection. Secondary endpoints included the level of anxiety prior to injection, impact on daily life, and the extents to which participants felt in control of their life and agreed that home administration met their medical needs. In total, 111 participants from Belgium, Greece, the Netherlands, and Spain completed the survey (50.5% male; mean age, 63.6 years; most common primary tumor site was intestine [47.7%]). For 99 participants, their most recent injection was administered by an HCP. Overall, 95.5% of all participants were satisfied with their most recent injection experience (95% confidence interval: 89.89%-98.06%); 67% reported experiencing no anxiety prior to injection, 91.0% reported that home injection had a "great deal" or "quite a bit" of positive impact on their daily life, and 85.6% strongly agreed that the PSP met their medical needs. In the HCP injection subgroup, 71.7% reported that this mode of administration helped them to feel in control of their lives. In this patient survey, satisfaction levels were high among patients with NETs receiving LAN injections at home via a LAN PSP. Most patients did not experience anxiety prior to their most recent injection and acknowledged that thanks to their treatment they had a good quality of life despite their disease. Most strongly agreed that the PSP met their medical needs, which highlights the valuable service that LAN PSPs provide for patients with NETs.