Implementation of the Family HELP Protocol: A Feasibility Project for a West Texas ICU.
Rebecca McClayPublished in: Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland) (2021)
The purpose of this project was to determine if bedside intensive care unit (ICU) nurse buy-in to the Family Hospital Elder Life Program (HELP) protocol was sufficient to make implementation feasible at one county hospital in West Texas. Surveys were anonymous with ballot box collection being available to the bedside ICU nurses for one week each. Questions were based on literature findings of expected outcomes, identified barriers and facilitators, Calgary Family Intervention Method framework domains, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Framework for program evaluation. Outcome measures were taken from the stated aims of the project and evaluated from paired baseline and summative survey questions. Survey participation was approximately half of nurses employed in the studied ICU. Analysis of the surveys showed a positive perception of family presence decreasing patient delirium symptoms, and a positive perception of the Family HELP protocol. The results described a high perception of family members as partners in care and high intention to implement the Family HELP protocol, indicating strong support of a full implementation of the protocol. The high level of bedside nurse buy-in present in this study has large implications for successful implementation of the Family HELP protocol in the near future, with sustainability and continued use supported by potential inclusion of the task in the electronic health record charting.