The metabolic regulator USF-1 is involved in the control of affective behaviour in mice.

Spyridon SideromenosMaria NikouBarbara CzuczuNikolas ThalheimerAnna GundackerOrsolya HorvathLaura Cuenca RicoPeter StöhrmannMarco NielloTimo PartonenDaniela D Pollak
Published in: Translational psychiatry (2022)
Epidemiological studies indicate a bidirectional association between metabolic disturbances, including obesity and related pathological states, and mood disorders, most prominently major depression. However, the biological mechanisms mediating the comorbid relationship between the deranged metabolic and mood states remain incompletely understood. Here, we tested the hypothesis that the enhanced activation of brown fat tissue (BAT), known to beneficially regulate obesity and accompanying dysfunctional metabolic states, is also paralleled by an alteration of affective behaviour. We used upstream stimulatory factor 1 (USF-1) knock-out (KO) mice as a genetic model of constitutively activated BAT and positive cardiometabolic traits and found a reduction of depression-like and anxiety-like behaviours associated with USF-1 deficiency. Surgical removal of interscapular BAT did not impact the behavioural phenotype of USF-1 KO mice. Further, the absence of USF-1 did not lead to alterations of adult hippocampal neural progenitor cell proliferation, differentiation, or survival. RNA-seq analysis characterised the molecular signature of USF-1 deficiency in the hippocampus and revealed a significant increase in the expression of several members of the X-linked lymphocyte-regulated (xlr) genes, including xlr3b and xlr4b. Xlr genes are the mouse orthologues of the human FAM9 gene family and are implicated in the regulation of dendritic branching, dendritic spine number and morphology. The transcriptional changes were associated with morphological alterations in hippocampal neurons, manifested in reduced dendritic length and complexity in USF-1 KO mice. Collectively these data suggest that the metabolic regulator USF-1 is involved in the control of affective behaviour in mice and that this modulation of mood states is unrelated to USF-1-dependent BAT activation, but reflected in structural changes in the brain.