An Innovation 10 Years in the Making: The Stories in the Pages of ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters .
Ryan A AltmanAnnalaura BraiJennifer E GoldenGiuseppe La ReginaZhengqiu LiTerry W MooreWilliam C K PomerantzNaomi S RajapaksaAshley M AdamsPublished in: ACS medicinal chemistry letters (2022)
Innovation in medicinal chemistry has been at the heart of ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters since the journal's founding 10 years ago. In his inaugural editorial, Editor-in-Chief Dennis Liotta laid out a vision for the journal to become the "premier international journal for rapid communication of cutting-edge studies," and, after 10 years, it has become exactly that. The great hope of drug discovery scientists is that their innovations will lead to new therapeutics to treat unmet medical needs. In the spirit of innovation and in celebration of the recent 10th anniversary of ACS Med. Chem. Lett. , we highlight five therapeutics that were first reported or first comprehensively characterized within ACS Med. Chem. Lett. . This overview also serves to introduce the expansion of the scope of the Innovations article type to include Topical Innovations. With this extension, the journal hopes to provide a forum to showcase concise (rather than comprehensive) reviews of topics that are both timely and of great interest to the medicinal chemistry community. Moreover, these articles will emphasize the next steps to move the field toward new areas of interest in medicinal chemistry. Appropriate topics might include case studies of clinical candidates or approved drugs, new assay technologies in drug discovery, novel target classes, and innovative new approaches towards modulation of human physiology. Since its founding 10 years ago, ACS Med. Chem. Lett. has established itself as a venue for the rapid communication of studies in medicinal chemistry and drug discovery. There have been several drugs and clinical candidates that were first reported or first comprehensively characterized in ACS Med. Chem. Lett. In celebration of the 10th anniversary of ACS Med. Chem. Lett. this Topical Innovations article highlights five of these compounds: Ivosidenib, Siponimod, Glasdegib, Parsaclisib, and Dabrafenib.