Dynamic Interactive Social Cognition Training in Virtual Reality (DiSCoVR) versus Virtual Reality Relaxation (VRelax) for People With a Psychotic Disorder: A Single-Blind Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial.
Saskia Anne NijmanG H M PijnenborgR R VermeerC E R ZandeeD C ZandstraD van der VormA C de Wit-de VisserI A MeinsChris Neeltje Wil GeraetsW VelingPublished in: Schizophrenia bulletin (2022)
These results suggest that DiSCoVR was not effective, possibly because of inadequate simulation of emotional expressions in VR. This lack of efficacy may indicate that current SCT protocols are relatively unsuitable for improving social functioning. Previous studies showed small to moderate effects on higher order social cognition, but the SCT approach may need critical reevaluation, as it may not sufficiently lead to functional improvement.