Examining the association between coping strategies and perceived social support among Vietnamese infertile women undergoing IVF treatment.

Quang Lam TruongThuy Bich LuongHa Truong Thi Khanh
Published in: Psychology, health & medicine (2024)
The purpose of the study was to examine the association between coping strategies and perceived social support among women diagnosed with infertility and undergoing IVF treatment. A total of 383 Vietnamese women were invited to participate in this study. Participants completed a questionnaire consisting of The Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, the Copenhagen Multi-centre Psychosocial Infertility coping scales and the Fertility Problem Inventory, and other relevant questions. The results reveal that coping strategies significantly predict some specific types of perceived social supports among women undergoing IVF treatment. Specifically, passive-avoidance coping (PAC) and active-avoidance coping (AAC) predicts a decrease in receiving support from family and friends, whereas active-confronting coping (ACC) predicts an increase in receiving support from these two sources of support. Women who demonstrate increased meaning-based coping (MBC) received all three sources of support including family, friends, and significant others support. Despite some limitations, this study is useful in understanding how coping strategies among women undergoing IVF treatment affects the social support received in the Vietnamese social context. It also emphasizes the importance of psychological support for women facing IVF treatment distress.