Group-based guilt (collective guilt) refers to the negative emotions experienced when group members violate moral standards and can motivate prosocial behavior. Individuals exhibiting high levels of moral disengagement are prone to engaging in unethical conduct without experience of guilt, thereby prolonging or exacerbating conflicts and hindering conflict resolution. Oxytocin is believed to play key role in shaping social cognition and behaviors associated with morality and prosociality. So, this study (N = 79) explores oxytocin's potential to enhance group-based guilt and compensation for victims among individuals with high moral disengagement. Employing a randomized placebo-controlled design, participants received either oxytocin or placebo before undertaking a task designed to induce group-based guilt, during which they made decisions regarding the allocation of money to victims. Results revealed that participants with high moral disengagement who received oxytocin perceived higher levels of moral responsibility, experienced increased group-based guilt, and allocated significantly more money to victims compared to those who received the placebo. These findings suggested that oxytocin holds promise as an intervention to mitigate moral disengagement and foster moral behavior in individuals predisposed to avoiding responsibility and guilt feelings.