Romantic relationships are a fundamental part of the human experience and contribute to quality of life and recovery of people with serious mental illness (SMI). However, few psychosocial interventions exist to address this issue among people with schizophrenia, and no existing intervention focuses on Latinxs. The intersectionality of being Latinx and having schizophrenia can create a unique experience regarding stigma, romantic relationships, and gender. Guided by intersectionality theory, this study used qualitative content analysis and an intersectionality template analysis to examine data from interviews with 22 participants-11 people with diagnosed schizophrenia and their identified primary family member. Overall, findings illustrate perspectives about romantic relationships in a sample of Latinxs with schizophrenia and highlight the stigma that people with schizophrenia and their families can experience. Five key themes emerged from the data: obstacles to romantic relationships, advantages of romantic relationships, disadvantages of romantic relationships, gender-role issues and satisfaction with life, and hope for the future. Participants reported that stigma related to schizophrenia and the lack of employment were the main obstacles to establishing and maintaining romantic relationships. These findings provide an insider perspective on romantic relationships in a sample of Latinxs with schizophrenia and elucidate the importance of using an intersectionality lens to guide culturally responsive approaches.