Levodopa does not affect expression of reinforcement learning in older adults.
John Patrick GroganHanna K IsotalusA HowatN Irigoras IzagirreL E KnightE J CoulthardPublished in: Scientific reports (2019)
Dopamine has been implicated in learning from rewards and punishment, and in the expression of this learning. However, many studies do not fully separate retrieval and decision mechanisms from learning and consolidation. Here, we investigated the effects of levodopa (dopamine precursor) on choice performance (isolated from learning or consolidation). We gave 31 healthy older adults 150 mg of levodopa or placebo (double-blinded, randomised) 1 hour before testing them on stimuli they had learned the value of the previous day. We found that levodopa did not affect the overall accuracy of choices, nor the relative expression of positively or negatively reinforced values. This contradicts several studies and suggests that overall dopamine levels may not play a role in the choice performance for values learned through reinforcement learning in older adults.