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Addition of α-ketoglutaric acid (AKG) reduces deamination in Chinese perch (Siniperca chuatsi) fed with fermented soybean meal as a substitute for fishmeal.

Yufei ZhangJiacheng HuPeisong LuRu YangXu-Fang LiangLiwei Liu
Published in: Fish physiology and biochemistry (2024)
To alleviate amino acid imbalances in fermented soybean meal as a replacement for fishmeal feeds, this study evaluated the effects of adding lysine (Lys), methionine (Met), and α-ketoglutaric acid (AKG) to fermented soybean meals for Chinese perch. Chinese perch (34 ± 3 g) were fed five diets for 66 days (fishmeal as the protein source of the basal diet [FM]; fermented soybean meal as a substitute for 30% fishmeal in the soybean meal diet [FSM]; addition of crystalline Lys and Met [AA]; addition of α-ketoglutaric acid [AKG]; and simultaneous addition of crystalline Lys, Met, and AKG [BA] to the soybean meal diet). At the end of the feeding trial, the FSM group had the highest feeding rate and the lowest weight gain rate among all the groups. The FM group had the highest protein retention and the lowest feed efficiency among the groups. The mRNA transcription level of genes related to the AMP-activating protein (AMPK) signaling pathway and amino acid response (AAR) signaling pathway (lkb1, atf4, and gcn2) were highest in the AA group (P < 0.05) but lower in the AKG and BA groups. In the AKG group, the mRNA transcription level of the gluconeogenesis pathway-related gene (pepck and g6pase) was significantly higher than that in the other four groups, but the mRNA transcription level of genes related to amino acid catabolism (gdh and ampd) was lower. Among all the groups, the FSM group had the lowest mRNA transcription level of genes associated with the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling pathway (mtor and s6k). These findings imply that the feeding rate of Chinese perch in the fermented soybean meal group was the highest, but the protein retention was the lowest, while the addition of Lys, Met, and AKG improved protein retention. In conclusion, the addition of AKG to fermented soybean meal as a fishmeal substitute reduced amino acid deamination, enhanced gluconeogenesis, and increased protein deposition, which contributed to the growth of Chinese perch, alleviated amino acid imbalances, and improved the feed utilization of Chinese perch.