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Effects of maternal contact and positive human contact during lactation on pork quality: Positive human contact to piglets during lactation improves pork loin muscle pH.

Katelyn TomasJemma SavagliaRobert J E HewittKate J PlushDarryl N D'SouzaKym L ButlerPaul H HemsworthAlan J Tilbrook
Published in: Meat science (2024)
Enhancing stress resilience through the early life period in pigs could potentially improve pork quality. It was hypothesised that pigs receiving maternal contact or positive human contact during lactation would have improved carcass and pork quality. Seventy-nine mixed-sex pigs were selected from a 2 × 2 factorial randomised block design for treatments maternal contact (MC+) / reduced maternal contact (MC-); and positive human contact (HC+) / control (HC-). Modified farrowing crates were utilised to reduce maternal contact (MC-). Litters in the HC+ treatment received five minutes of daily positive human interaction (stroking). Treatments ceased at 22 days of age (weaning) and pigs were slaughtered after 21 weeks of age. The m. longissimus thoracis et lumborum pH was higher in HC+ than HC- pigs (P < 0.05) during chilling, from 90 min post slaughter. No HC effects (P > 0.05) were observed for cortisol or haptoglobin concentration, hot carcass weight, P2 backfat, carcass scratches, colour, drip loss, cook loss and shear force. MC+ tended (P < 0.086) to increase carcass weight, P2 and carcass scratch score compared to MC-, but no further impacts were observed. The impact of positive human contact during early life was observed 20+ weeks after treatment with reduced pH decline, potentially indicating a reduction in pre-slaughter stress, however there were no further impacts on pork quality. There is evidence that maternal contact is important for lifetime growth performance of pigs but the impacts on stress resilience are less apparent.