A PISA-2015 Comparative Meta-Analysis between Singapore and Finland: Relations of Students' Interest in Science, Perceived ICT Competence, and Environmental Awareness and Optimism.
Pei-Yi LinChing Sing ChaiMorris Siu-Yung JongPublished in: International journal of environmental research and public health (2019)
The aim of the present study is twofold: (1) to identify a factor structure between variables-interest in broad science topics, perceived information and communications technology (ICT) competence, environmental awareness and optimism; and (2) to explore the relations between these variables at the country level. The first part of the aim is addressed using exploratory factor analysis with data from the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) for 15-year-old students from Singapore and Finland. The results show that a comparable structure with four factors was verified in both countries. Correlation analyses and linear regression were used to address the second part of the aim. The results show that adolescents' interest in broad science topics can predict perceived ICT competence. Their interest in broad science topics and perceived ICT competence can predict environmental awareness in both countries. However, there is difference in predicting environmental optimism. Singaporean students' interest in broad science topics and their perceived ICT competences are positive predictors, whereas environmental awareness is a negative predictor. Finnish students' environmental awareness negatively predicted environmental optimism.