H3K4 demethylase KDM5B regulates cancer cell identity and epigenetic plasticity.
Runsheng HeBesa XhabijaLijin K GopiJiji T KurupZhishan XuZhe LiuBenjamin L KidderPublished in: Oncogene (2022)
The H3K4 demethylase KDM5B is overexpressed in multiple cancer types, and elevated expression levels of KDM5B is associated with decreased survival. However, the underlying mechanistic contribution of dysregulated expression of KDM5B and H3K4 demethylation in cancer is poorly understood. Our results show that loss of KDM5B in multiple types of cancer cells leads to increased proliferation and elevated expression of cancer stem cell markers. In addition, we observed enhanced tumor formation following KDM5B depletion in a subset of representative cancer cell lines. Our findings also support a role for KDM5B in regulating epigenetic plasticity, where loss of KDM5B in cancer cells with elevated KDM5B expression leads to alterations in activity of chromatin states, which facilitate activation or repression of alternative transcriptional programs. In addition, we define KDM5B-centric epigenetic and transcriptional patterns that support cancer cell plasticity, where KDM5B depleted cancer cells exhibit altered epigenetic and transcriptional profiles resembling a more primitive cellular state. This study also provides a resource for evaluating associations between alterations in epigenetic patterning upon depletion of KDM5B and gene expression in a diverse set of cancer cells.