Promoting Health and Food Literacy through Nutrition Education at Schools: The Italian Experience with MaestraNatura Program.

Beatrice ScazzocchioRosaria VarìAntonio d'AmoreFlavia ChiarottiSara Del PapaAnnalisa SilenziAnnamaria GimiglianoClaudio GiovanniniRoberta Masella
Published in: Nutrients (2021)
MaestraNatura is an innovative nutrition education program aimed at both enhancing awareness about the importance of a healthy food-lifestyle relationship and the ability to transfer the theoretical principles of nutrition guidelines to everyday life. The educational contents of the program resulted from the analysis of the answers to a questionnaire submitted to students aged 6-13 in order to assess their degree of knowledge about nutritional facts. Educational paths were specifically designed and implemented to address the main knowledge gaps identified through the analysis of the answers and were then tested for teachers' satisfaction in a sample of 56 schools in the north, centre, and south of Italy, involving 790 classes, 600 teachers, and 15,800 students. The results showed an approval rating from teachers from 90% to 94%. Said paths were designed for primary (6-10 years old) and first-level secondary (11-13 years old) school students. In addition, in a pilot study carried out in nine Educational Institutes located in an area close to Rome (Lazio region), a specific path was tested for effectiveness in increasing students' knowledge about fruit and vegetables by conducting questionnaires before (T0) and after (T1) the didactic activities. Results showed a significant increase in right answers at T1 with respect to T0 (z = 2.142, p = 0.032). Fisher's exact probability test showed an answer variability depending on the issue considered. In conclusion, this work could be considered as a first necessary step toward the definition of new educational program, aimed at increasing food literacy and favouring a healthier relationship with food, applicable in a widespread and effective manner, also outside of Italy.