Pharmacokinetics of a single dose of novel curcumin formulations mixed with fish oils in healthy humans.
Haruna KanaeKoji TeshimaTamotsu ShiromaKazuo NoguchiPublished in: Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry (2022)
The pharmacokinetics of novel formulations of curcumin mixed with squalene (CSQU) and of curcumin mixed with docosahexaenoic acid (CDHA) was investigated and compared with a standardized unformulated curcumin extract (StdC) and a solid lipid curcumin particle (SLCP) formulation in a randomized, open-label, crossover study. A total of 10 healthy subjects consumed a single dose of each formulation, and blood samples were collected over 8 h. Plasma concentrations of curcumin, demethoxycurcumin (DMC), and bisdemethoxycurcumin (BDMC) were measured. The dose-normalized AUC0-8h of curcumin was significantly higher for SLCP (2.2-fold), CSQU (2.3-fold) and CDHA (2.8-fold) than for StdC. The dose-normalized AUC0-8h of DMC and BDMC did not significantly change, but their Tmax was significantly shortened for SLCP, CSQU, and CDHA. In conclusion, compared with StdC, both fish oil formulations, CSQU and CDHA, significantly improved curcumin absorption as well as SLCP, and CDHA was bioequivalent or superior to SLCP. No sex differences were observed in curcumin absorption.