The effects of subcritical water microenvironment on the physiochemical properties, antioxidant activity and in vitro digestion of polysaccharides (SWESPs) from squash were investigated. After single-factor experiments, twenty samples were successfully prepared at different extraction temperatures (110, 130, 150, 170 and 190 °C) and extraction times (4, 8, 12 and 16 min). Under a low temperature environment, the whole process was mainly based on the extraction of SWESP. At this time, the color of SWESP was white or light gray and the molecular mass was high. When the temperature was 150 °C, since the extraction and degradation of SWESP reached equilibrium, the maximum extraction rate (18.67%) was reached at 150 °C (12 min). Compared with traditional methods, the yield of squash SWESP extracted by subcritical water was 3-4 times higher and less time consuming. Under high temperature conditions, SWESPs were degraded and their antioxidant capacity and viscosity were reduced. Meanwhile, Maillard and caramelization reactions turned the SWESPs yellow-brown and produced harmful substances. In addition, different SWESPs had different effects on in vitro digestion. In brief, SWESPs prepared under different conditions have different structures and physicochemical properties, allowing the obtainment of the required polysaccharide. Our results show that squash polysaccharides prepared in different subcritical water states had good development potential and application in the food industry.