Estimating the global cost of vision impairment and its major causes: protocol for a systematic review.
Ana Patricia MarquesJacqueline RamkeJohn CairnsThomas ButtJustine H ZhangHannah B FaalHugh TaylorIain JonesNathan CongdonAndrew BastawrousTasanee BraithwaiteMarty JovicSerge ResnikoffAllyala NandakumarPeng Tee KhawRupert R A BourneIris GordonKevin FrickMatthew J BurtonPublished in: BMJ open (2020)
Formal ethical approval is not required, as primary data will not be collected in this review. The findings of this study will be disseminated through peer-reviewed publications, stakeholder meetings and inclusion in the ongoing Lancet Global Health Commission on Global Eye Health. REGISTRATION DETAILS: (DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/6F8VM).