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David C Briggs (D C Briggs)


Publication Activity (10 Years)

Years Active: 2020-2024
Publications (10 Years): 11

Top Topics

Francis Crick Institute

Birkbeck University of London (PHD)

Affiliation History
Francis Crick Institute May 05 2018

United Kingdom

Senior Laboratory Research Scientist :: Signalling and Structural Biology Lab

Imperial College London Sep 01 2014 - May 02 2018

United Kingdom

Postdoctoral Research Associate :: Dept of Life Sciences

University of Manchester

United Kingdom

Postdoctoral Research Associate :: Faculty of Life Science

Cancer Research UK

United Kingdom

Postdoctoral Research Fellow :: Structural Biology Lab

Education History
Birkbeck University of London

United Kingdom

PHD :: School of Crystallography

University of Birmingham

United Kingdom

BSC :: School of Biosciences
