James M MacKillop (J MacKillop, James MacKillop)
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2017-2024
Publications (10 Years): 79
Publications (10 Years): 79
- James M MacKillop, Roberta Agabio, Sarah W Feldstein Ewing, Markus Heilig, John F Kelly, Lorenzo Leggio, Anne Lingford-Hughes, Abraham A Palmer, Charles D Parry, Lara Ray, Jürgen Rehm
- Brian M Bird, Kyla Belisario, Meenu Minhas, Samuel F Acuff, Mark A Ferro, Michael T Amlung, James G Murphy, James M MacKillop
- Mahmoud Elsayed, Emma Marsden, Tegan Hargreaves, Sabrina K Syan, James M MacKillop, Michael Amlung
- Emily E Levitt, Desmond Singh, Allan Clifton, Robert Stout, Lawrence Sweet, John F Kelly, James M MacKillop
- Emily E Levitt, Desmond Singh, Allan Clifton, Robert Stout, Lawrence Sweet, John F Kelly, James M MacKillop
- Mahmoud Elsayed, Emma Marsden, Tegan Hargreaves, Sabrina K Syan, James M MacKillop, Michael Amlung
- Brian M Bird, Kyla Belisario, Meenu Minhas, Samuel F Acuff, Mark A Ferro, Michael T Amlung, James G Murphy, James M MacKillop
- Mahmoud Elsayed, Emma Marsden, Tegan Hargreaves, Sabrina K Syan, James M MacKillop, Michael Amlung
- Brian M Bird, Kyla Belisario, James G Murphy, Sherry H Stewart, James M MacKillop
- Emily E Levitt, Desmond Singh, Allan Clifton, Robert Stout, Lawrence Sweet, John F Kelly, James M MacKillop
- Brian M Bird, Kyla Belisario, Meenu Minhas, Samuel F Acuff, Mark A Ferro, Michael T Amlung, James G Murphy, James M MacKillop
- Samuel F Acuff, Roberto U Cofresí, Austin Varner, Ashley A Dennhardt, Jeffrey J Sable, Bruce D Bartholow, James M MacKillop, James G Murphy
- Monica Sabbineni, William Scott, Kiran Punia, Kriti Manuja, Angad Singh, Kaitryn Campbell, James M MacKillop, Iris M Balodis
- Sabrina K Syan, Carly McIntyre-Wood, Emily Vandehei, Mae Linda Vidal, Tegan Hargreaves, Emily E Levitt, Molly Scarfe, Emma Marsden, Emily MacKillop, Heidi Sarles-Whittesley, Michael Amlung, Lawrence Sweet, James M MacKillop
- Emma Marsden, James G Murphy, James M MacKillop, Michael Amlung
- Peter Najdzionek, Carly McIntyre-Wood, Michael Amlung, James M MacKillop
- Brian M Bird, Emily E Levitt, Sherry H Stewart, Sonya G Wanklyn, Eric C Meyer, James G Murphy, Meghan E McDevitt-Murphy, James M MacKillop
- Peter Najdzionek, Carly McIntyre-Wood, Michael Amlung, James M MacKillop
- Peter Najdzionek, Carly McIntyre-Wood, Michael Amlung, James M MacKillop
- Michelle R VanDellen, Julian W C Wright, Bokai Zhao, Caleigh Cullinan, Steven R H Beach, Ye Shen, Lee Ann B Haskins, William M Schiavone, James M MacKillop
- Hui Xu, Max M Owens, James M MacKillop
- Kaitlyn McLachlan, Meenu Minhas, Chantel Ritter, Kathleen Kennedy, Vannesa Joly, Martina Faitakis, Jocelynn L Cook, Kathy Unsworth, James M MacKillop, Jacqueline Pei
- Kiran Punia, William Scott, Kriti Manuja, Monica Sabbineni, Kaitryn Campbell, Iris M Balodis, James M MacKillop
- Peter Najdzionek, Carly McIntyre-Wood, Michael Amlung, James M MacKillop
- Mahmoodreza Gohari, Thepikaa Varatharajan, James M MacKillop, Scott T Leatherdale
- Peter Najdzionek, Carly McIntyre-Wood, Michael Amlung, James M MacKillop
- Anne-Marie Di Passa, Melissa Dabir, Allan Fein, Saba Khoshroo, Carly McIntyre-Wood, Emma Marsden, Emily MacKillop, Jane De Jesus, James M MacKillop, Dante Duarte
- Kiran Punia, William Scott, Kriti Manuja, Kaitryn Campbell, Iris M Balodis, James M MacKillop
- Emma Marsden, James G Murphy, James M MacKillop, Michael Amlung
- Víctor Martínez-Loredo, Alba González-Roz, Lynne Dawkins, Desmond Singh, James G Murphy, James M MacKillop
- James M MacKillop, Roberta Agabio, Sarah W Feldstein Ewing, Markus Heilig, John F Kelly, Lorenzo Leggio, Anne Lingford-Hughes, Abraham A Palmer, Charles D Parry, Lara Ray, Jürgen Rehm
- Natasha Baptist Mohseni, Vanessa L Morris, Lana Vedelago, Tyler Kempe, Karli Rapinda, Emily Mesmer, Elena Bilevicius, Jeffrey D Wardell, James M MacKillop, Matthew T Keough
- Roula Markoulakis, Maida Khalid, Andreina Da Silva, Sugy Kodeeswaran, Mark Sinyor, Amy Cheung, Donald A Redelmeier, James M MacKillop, Michael Scarpitti, Hannah Laird, Jeanne Foot, Anthony Levitt
- Alfgeir Logi Kristjansson, Annette M Santilli, Rosalina Mills, Hannah M Layman, Megan L Smith, Michael J Mann, James M MacKillop, Jack E James, Christa L Lilly, Steven M Kogan
- James M MacKillop, Roberta Agabio, Sarah W Feldstein Ewing, Markus Heilig, John F Kelly, Lorenzo Leggio, Anne Lingford-Hughes, Abraham A Palmer, Charles D Parry, Lara Ray, Jürgen Rehm
- Alba González-Roz, Víctor Martínez-Loredo, Elizabeth R Aston, Jane Metrik, James G Murphy, Iris M Balodis, Roberto Secades-Villa, Kyla Belisario, James M MacKillop
- Meenu Minhas, Alysha Cooper, Sarah Sousa, Mary Jean Costello, James M MacKillop
- Mahmood AminiLari, Natasha Kithulegoda, Patricia Strachan, James M MacKillop, Li Wang, Sushmitha Pallapothu, Samuel Neumark, Sangita Sharma, Jagmeet Sethi, Ramesh Zacharias, Allison Blain, Lisa Patterson, Jason Walter Busse
- Angad Singh, Emily E Levitt, Noam Soreni, Michael Van Ameringen, James M MacKillop
- James M MacKillop, Roberta Agabio, Sarah W Feldstein Ewing, Markus Heilig, John F Kelly, Lorenzo Leggio, Anne Lingford-Hughes, Abraham A Palmer, Charles D Parry, Lara Ray, Jürgen Rehm
- Claire Slavin-Stewart, Meenu Minhas, Jasmine Turna, Jennifer Brasch, Andrew Toyin Olagunju, Gary Chaimowitz, James M MacKillop
- Carly McIntyre-Wood, Meenu Minhas, Iris Balodis, James G Murphy, James M MacKillop
- Víctor Martínez-Loredo, Alba González-Roz, Roberto Secades-Villa, José Ramón Fernández-Hermida, James M MacKillop
- Meenu Minhas, Kyla Belisario, Alba González-Roz, Jillian Halladay, James G Murphy, James M MacKillop
- Tashia Petker, Christine Yanke, Liah Rahman, Laurel Whalen, Karen Demaline, Kari Whitelaw, Debbie Bang, Katherine Holshausen, Michael Amlung, James M MacKillop
- Melissa Parlar, Emily MacKillop, Tashia Petker, James Murphy, James M MacKillop
- Tashia Petker, Mark Ferro, Michael Van Ameringen, James Murphy, James M MacKillop
- Joanna Buscemi, Samuel F Acuff, Meenu Minhas, James M MacKillop, James G Murphy
- Sabrina K Syan, Alba González-Roz, Michael Amlung, Lawrence H Sweet, James M MacKillop
- Meenu Minhas, Kyla Belisario, Alba Gonzalez-Roz, Jillian Halladay, Vanessa L Morris, Matthew Keough, James G Murphy, James M MacKillop
- Meenu Minhas, Cara M Murphy, Iris M Balodis, Andriy V Samokhvalov, James M MacKillop
- Max M Owens, Sage Hahn, Nicholas Allgaier, James M MacKillop, Matthew Albaugh, Dekang Yuan, Anthony C Juliano, Alexandra S Potter, Hugh Garavan
- Laura Reid Marks, Samuel F Acuff, Alton J Withers, James M MacKillop, James G Murphy
- LeeAnn B Haskins, Christiana A Payne, William M Schiavone, Steven R H Beach, James M MacKillop, Michelle R VanDellen
- E E Levitt, M T Amlung, A Gonzalez, A Oshri, James M MacKillop
- Tashia Petker, Jane DeJesus, Alex Lee, Jessica Gillard, Max M Owens, Iris Balodis, Michael Amlung, Tony P George, Assaf Oshri, Geoffrey B Hall, Louis Schmidt, James M MacKillop
- Meenu Minhas, Assaf Oshri, Michael Amlung, Ashley Dennhardt, Mark Ferro, Jillian Halladay, Catharine Munn, Jalie A Tucker, James Murphy, James M MacKillop
- Lara A Ray, Erica N Grodin, Lorenzo Leggio, Anita J Bechtholt, Howard Becker, Sarah W Feldstein Ewing, James David Jentsch, Andrea C King, Barbara J Mason, Stephanie O'Malley, James M MacKillop, Markus Heilig, George F Koob
- Max M Owens, Lawrence H Sweet, James M MacKillop
- Steven J Nieto, ReJoyce Green, James M MacKillop, Lara A Ray
- Alba González-Roz, Jacob Jackson, Cara Murphy, Damaris J Rohsenow, James M MacKillop
- James M MacKillopIs Addiction Really a Chronic Relapsing Disorder?: Commentary on Kelly et al. "How Many Recovery Attempts Does It Take to Successfully Resolve an Alcohol or Drug Problem? Estimates and Correlates From a National Study of Recovering U.S. Adults". Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 44 (1) (2019)
- Jasmine Turna, Sabrina K Syan, Benicio N Frey, Brian Rush, Mary Jean Costello, Mark Weiss, James M MacKillop
- Tashia D Petker, Jillian Halladay, Lana Vedelago, Mark A Ferro, Jalie Tucker, Mark S Goldman, James G Murphy, James M MacKillop
- Emily E Levitt, Assaf Oshri, Allan Clifton, Robert Stout, Mary Jean Costello, Michelle VanDellen, John F Kelly, James M MacKillop
- Vanessa L Morris, Max M Owens, Sabrina K Syan, Tashia D Petker, Lawrence H Sweet, Assaf Oshri, James M MacKillop, Michael Amlung
- Sandra Sanchez-Roige, Pierre Fontanillas, Sarah L Elson, Joshua C Gray, Harriet de Wit, James M MacKillop, Abraham A Palmer
- Samuel F Acuff, Michael Amlung, Ashley A Dennhardt, James M MacKillop, James G Murphy
- James M MacKillop, Nicholas I Goldenson, Matthew G Kirkpatrick, Adam M Leventhal
- Jillian Halladay, Tashia Petker, Allan Fein, Catharine Munn, James M MacKillop
- Michael Amlung, Derek D Reed, Vanessa Morris, Elizabeth R Aston, Jane Metrik, James M MacKillop
- Sandra Sanchez-Roige, Pierre Fontanillas, Sarah L Elson, null null, Joshua C Gray, Harriet de Wit, Lea K Davis, James M MacKillop, Abraham A Palmer
- Max M Owens, James M MacKillop, Joshua C Gray, Steven R H Beach, Michael D Stein, Raymond S Niaura, Lawrence H Sweet