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Julia Simner
(J Simner)
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2021-2022
Publications (10 Years): 3
Top Topics
High Intensity
Randomized Controlled Trial
Cross Sectional
Health Information
Top Venues
JMIR research protocols
Animal cognition
Royal Society open science
This page only lists publications with an associated author ORCID identifier.
Abigail Dunn
James Alvarez
Amy Arbon
Stephen Bremner
Chloë Elsby-Pearson
Richard Emsley
Christopher Iain Jones
Peter J Lawrence
Kathryn J Lester
Mirjana Majdandžić
Natalie Morson
Nicky Perry
Julia Simner
Abigail Thomson
Sam Cartwright-Hatton
Effectiveness of a Web-Based Intervention to Prevent Anxiety in the Children of Parents With Anxiety: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial.
JMIR research protocols
11 (11) (2022)
Anna T Korzeniowska
Julia Simner
Holly Root-Gutteridge
David Reby
High-pitch sounds small for domestic dogs: abstract crossmodal correspondences between auditory pitch and visual size.
Royal Society open science
9 (2) (2022)
Holly Root-Gutteridge
Louise P Brown
Jemma Forman
Anna T Korzeniowska
Julia Simner
David Reby
Using a new video rating tool to crowd-source analysis of behavioural reaction to stimuli.
Animal cognition
24 (5) (2021)