Development and validation of the Global Adolescent and Child Physical Activity Questionnaire (GAC-PAQ) in 14 countries: study protocol.
Richard LaroucheMahdi Rostami Haji AbadiSalomé AubertJasmin BhawraJavier Brazo-SayaveraValerie CarsonRachel C ColleyChristine Delisle NyströmDale W EsligerRyan Harper-BrownSilvia Alejandra Gonzalez CifuentesAlejandra JáureguiPiyawat KatewongsaAnuradha KhadilkarGeoff KiraNicholas KuzikYang LiuMarie LofTom LoneyTaru ManyangaTawonga W Mwase-VumaAdewale L OyeyemiJohn J ReillyJustin RichardsKaren RobertsOlga Lucia SarmientoDiego Augusto Santos SilvaMelody SmithNarayan SubediLeigh M VanderlooDyah Anantalia WidyastariOliver W A WilsonStephen Heung Sang WongMark S TremblayPublished in: BMJ open (2024)
Approvals from research ethics boards and relevant organisations will be obtained in all participating countries. We anticipate that the GAC-PAQ will facilitate global surveillance of PA in children/adolescents. Our project includes a robust knowledge translation strategy sensitive to social determinants of health to inform inclusive surveillance and PA interventions globally.