Food By-Product Valorization by Using Plant-Based Coagulants Combined with AOPs for Agro-Industrial Wastewater Treatment.
Rita Beltrão MartinsNuno JorgeMarco S LucasAnabela RaymundoAna Isabel Ramos Novo Amorim BarrosJosé Alcides PeresPublished in: International journal of environmental research and public health (2022)
Re-using and adding value to by-products is one of the current focuses of the agri-food industry, following the Sustainable Development Goals of United Nations. In this work, the by-products of four plants, namely chestnut burr, acorn peel, olive leaf, and grape stem were used as coagulants to treat elderberry wastewater (EW), a problematic liquid effluent. EW pre-treatment using these natural coagulants showed promising results after pH and coagulant dosage optimization. However, the decrease in total organic carbon ( TOC ) was not significant, due to the addition of the plant-based natural coagulants which contain carbon content. After this pre-treatment, the photo-Fenton advanced oxidation process was selected, after preliminary assays, to improve the global performance of the EW treatment. Photo-Fenton was also optimized for the parameters of pH, H 2 O 2 , Fe 2+ , and irradiance power, and the best conditions were applied to the EW treatment. Under the best operational conditions defined in the parametric study, the combined results of coagulation-flocculation-decantation (CFD) and photo-Fenton for chestnut burr, acorn peel, olive leaf, and grape stem were, respectively, 90.2, 89.5, 91.5, and 88.7% for TOC removal; 88.7, 82.0, 90.2 and 93.1%, respectively, for turbidity removal; and finally, 40.6, 42.2, 45.3, and 39.1%, respectively, for TSS removal. As a final remark, it is possible to suggest that plant-based coagulants, combined with photo-Fenton, can be a promising strategy for EW treatment that simultaneously enables valorization by adding value back to food by-products.