Co-development and piloting of a menstrual, sexual and reproductive health intervention to improve social and psychological outcomes among secondary schoolgirls in Northern Tanzania: the PASS MHW study protocol.
Elialilia OkelloJennifer RubliBelen TorondelKenneth MakataPhilip AyiekoSaidi KapigaGiulia GrecoJenny RenjuPublished in: BMJ open (2022)
This pilot study will provide evidence-based recommendations for a comprehensive, complex menstrual and puberty intervention within secondary schools in Tanzania that can be further tested for broader effectiveness across a larger population. Papers, policy briefs and both regional/international conference presentations are planned to reach academic and non-academic groups. Protocol, tools and consent have been reviewed and approved by the independent Tanzanian national ethics committee (NIMR/HQ/R.8a/Vol.IX/3647) and the LSHTM Observational/Interventions Research Ethics Committee (LSHTM Ethics Ref: 22854). The project will involve adolescents, and procedures will be followed to ensure that we obtain permission and consent of parents and guardians and assent from all adolescents below 18 years of age that will be enrolled in the study.