Journal of orofacial orthopedics = Fortschritte der Kieferorthopadie : Organ/official journal Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Kieferorthopadie
- Heba Mohamed Dehis, Fouad Aly El Sharaby, Faten Husain Eid, Yehya Ahmed Mostafa
- Isabelle Graf, Niko Christian Bock, Theodosia Bartzela, Vera Röper, Uwe Schumann, Karl Reck, Hans-Joachim Helms, Karolin Hoefer, Ulrike Fritz, Michael Wolf, Dirk Wiechmann, Paul-Georg Jost-Brinkmann, Sabine Ruf, Bert BraumannQuality of orthodontic care-A multicenter cohort study in a German convenience sample : Part 2: Cross-sectional patient-reported outcomes after orthodontic treatment. Journal of orofacial orthopedics = Fortschritte der Kieferorthopadie : Organ/official journal Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Kieferorthopadie (2024)
- Bernhard Wiechens, Philipp Meyer-Marcotty, Timo Buhl, Thomas Werfel, Andrea Bauer, Christian Apfelbacher, Susann Forkel, Moritz M Hollstein, Stephan Traidl
- Gero Stefan Michael Kinzinger, Jan Hourfar, Jörg Alexander LissonPrevalence of malocclusions requiring treatment according to the KIG classification : A multipart cross-sectional study over a 20-year period in the district of Viersen/North Rhine. Journal of orofacial orthopedics = Fortschritte der Kieferorthopadie : Organ/official journal Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Kieferorthopadie (2024)
- Ariane Beatriz Blancato, Eva Paddenberg-Schubert, Peter Proff, Maria Angélica Hueb de Menezes-Oliveira, Svenja Beisel-Memmert, Flares Baratto-Filho, Carsten Lippold, Christian Kirschneck, Erika Calvano Küchler, Cesar Penazzo Lepri
- Ariane Beatriz Blancato, Eva Paddenberg-Schubert, Peter Proff, Maria Angélica Hueb de Menezes-Oliveira, Svenja Beisel-Memmert, Flares Baratto-Filho, Carsten Lippold, Christian Kirschneck, Erika Calvano Küchler, César Penazzo Lepri
- Farzaneh Ahrari, Hooman Shafaee, Melika Haghpanahi, Erfan Bardideh
- Ariane Beatriz Blancato, Eva Paddenberg-Schubert, Peter Proff, Maria Angélica Hueb de Menezes-Oliveira, Svenja Beisel-Memmert, Flares Baratto-Filho, Carsten Lippold, Christian Kirschneck, Erika Calvano Küchler, César Penazzo Lepri
- Ramon Dominguez-Mompell, Boshi Zhang, Ney Paredes, Andrew Combs, Islam Elkenawy, Luca Sfogliano, Layla Fijany, Ozge Colak, Martin Romero-Maroto, Won MoonBreathing changes following mini-implant-supported maxillary skeletal expander treatment in late adolescent or adult patients : Assessment of objective and subjective functional breathing changes. Journal of orofacial orthopedics = Fortschritte der Kieferorthopadie : Organ/official journal Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Kieferorthopadie (2024)
- Merve Gonca, Mehmet Fatih Sert, Dilara Nil Tomrukçu, Taha Emre Köse, Busra Beser GulCorrection to: Determination of growth and developmental stages in hand-wrist radiographs. Can fractal analysis in combination with artificial intelligence be used? Journal of orofacial orthopedics = Fortschritte der Kieferorthopadie : Organ/official journal Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Kieferorthopadie (2024)
- Niklas Ullrich, Ardita Ramadani, Eva Paddenberg-Schubert, Peter Proff, Jonathan Jantsch, Christian Kirschneck, Agnes Schröder
- Hisham Sabbagh, Lea Hoffmann, Andrea Wichelhaus, Andreas Kessler
- Işıl Şenocak, Hasan CamcıEffect of various active reminders via mobile phone on cooperation of orthodontic teenage patients regarding oral hygiene and Class II elastics use : A three-month follow-up prospective cohort study. Journal of orofacial orthopedics = Fortschritte der Kieferorthopadie : Organ/official journal Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Kieferorthopadie (2024)
- Jana Schmitz, Ludger Keilig, Nikolaos Daratsianos, Christoph Bourauel
- Lena I Peters, Jana Marciniak, Eric Kutschera, Caio Luiz, Erika Calvano Küchler, Christian Kirschneck, Andreas Jäger, Svenja Beisel-Memmert
- Esra Bolat Gümüş, Elçin Esenlik, Göksu Emek Kayafoğlu, Mustafa YıldırımThird molar angulation and retromolar space after functional orthodontic treatment : Evaluation of panoramic radiographs after monoblock or Herbst appliance. Journal of orofacial orthopedics = Fortschritte der Kieferorthopadie : Organ/official journal Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Kieferorthopadie (2024)
- Ariane Beatriz Blancato, Eva Paddenberg-Schubert, Peter Proff, Maria Angélica Hueb de Menezes-Oliveira, Svenja Beisel-Memmert, Flares Baratto-Filho, Carsten Lippold, Christian Kirschneck, Erika Calvano Küchler, César Penazzo Lepri
- Pei Xiao, Yanfang Yu, Cong Chen, Tingzi Hu, Haiping Yang, Fuming HeRelationship between the mandibular curve of Spee and the maxillary compensating curve with dentoskeletal morphology : A cross-sectional study in Chinese young adults with normal occlusion. Journal of orofacial orthopedics = Fortschritte der Kieferorthopadie : Organ/official journal Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Kieferorthopadie (2024)
- Ariane Beatriz Blancato, Eva Paddenberg-Schubert, Peter Proff, Maria Angélica Hueb de Menezes-Oliveira, Svenja Beisel-Memmert, Flares Baratto-Filho, Carsten Lippold, Christian Kirschneck, Erika Calvano Küchler, Cesar Penazzo Lepri
- Sawita Supakomonnun, Somsak Mitrirattanakul, Rochaya Chintavalakorn, Nuntinee Nanthavanich Saengfai
- Mohamed G Hassan, Hams H Abdelrahman, Ahmed A Abdel Emam, Abbas R Zaher
- Eva Paddenberg, Raphael Heiß, Tobias Grünbaum, Peter Proff, Christian Kirschneck
- Tarek M Elshazly, Ludger Keilig, Diva Nang, Bijan Golkhani, Anna Weber, Hanaa Elattar, Sameh Talaat, Christoph Bourauel
- Deborah Ribeiro Frazão, Yago Gecy de Souza Né, Maria Karolina Martins Ferreira, Nathália Carolina Fernandes Fagundes, Guido Marañón-Vásquez, Lucianne Cople Maia, Matheus Melo Pithon, Rafael Rodrigues Lima
- Kathrin Duske, Billan Turan, Cornelia Prinz, Jan-Hendrik Lenz, Franka Stahl, Mareike Warkentin
- Raquel Fernanda Bachiega Morelli, Paulo Nelson-Filho, Karla Carpio Horta, Magda Feres, José Tarcísio Lima Ferreira, Fábio Lourenço Romano, Maria Bernadete Sasso Stuani, Maria Conceição Pereira Saraiva, Caio Luiz Bitencourt Reis, Mirian Aiko Nakane MatsumotoMicrobial contamination profile on esthetic elastomeric ligatures through the checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization technique : A randomized split-mouth study. Journal of orofacial orthopedics = Fortschritte der Kieferorthopadie : Organ/official journal Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Kieferorthopadie (2024)
- Xing-Yue Wang, Dou Li, Xin-Ran Xu, Jia-Rong Liu, Waseem Saleh Al-Gumaei, Hui Xue, Xiao-Ming WangComparative biomechanical analysis of four different tooth- and bone-borne frog appliances for molar distalization : A three-dimensional finite element study. Journal of orofacial orthopedics = Fortschritte der Kieferorthopadie : Organ/official journal Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Kieferorthopadie (2024)
- Micha Frederic Loewe, Katharina Doll-Nikutta, Meike Stiesch, Rainer Schwestka-Polly
- Isabel Knaup, Rafael Kramann, Martha-Julia Sasula, Paula Mack, Rogério Bastos Craveiro, Christian Niederau, Franziska Coenen, Sabine Neuss, Joachim Jankowski, Michael Wolf
- Lukas Camenisch, Georgios Polychronis, Nearchos Panayi, Olga Makou, Spyridon N Papageorgiou, Spiros Zinelis, Theodore Eliades
volume 85, number Suppl 2, 2024
- Farzaneh Ahrari, Hooman Shafaee, Melika Haghpanahi, Erfan Bardideh
- Merve Gonca, Mehmet Fatih Sert, Dilara Nil Tomrukçu, Taha Emre Köse, Busra Beser GulDetermination of growth and developmental stages in hand-wrist radiographs : Can fractal analysis in combination with artificial intelligence be used? Journal of orofacial orthopedics = Fortschritte der Kieferorthopadie : Organ/official journal Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Kieferorthopadie 85 (Suppl 2) (2024)
- Deborah Ribeiro Frazão, Yago Gecy de Souza Né, Maria Karolina Martins Ferreira, Nathália Carolina Fernandes Fagundes, Guido Marañón-Vásquez, Lucianne Cople Maia, Matheus Melo Pithon, Rafael Rodrigues LimaChanges in biomarkers levels from gingival crevicular fluid in pre- and postmenopausal women undergoing orthodontic treatment : A systematic review. Journal of orofacial orthopedics = Fortschritte der Kieferorthopadie : Organ/official journal Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Kieferorthopadie 85 (Suppl 2) (2024)
- Esra Bolat Gümüş, Elçin Esenlik, Göksu Emek Kayafoğlu, Mustafa YıldırımThird molar angulation and retromolar space after functional orthodontic treatment : Evaluation of panoramic radiographs after monoblock or Herbst appliance. Journal of orofacial orthopedics = Fortschritte der Kieferorthopadie : Organ/official journal Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Kieferorthopadie 85 (Suppl 2) (2024)
- Mohamed G Hassan, Hams H Abdelrahman, Ahmed A Abdel Emam, Abbas R Zaher
- Raquel Fernanda Bachiega Morelli, Paulo Nelson-Filho, Karla Carpio Horta, Magda Feres, José Tarcísio Lima Ferreira, Fábio Lourenço Romano, Maria Bernadete Sasso Stuani, Maria Conceição Pereira Saraiva, Caio Luiz Bitencourt Reis, Mirian Aiko Nakane MatsumotoMicrobial contamination profile on esthetic elastomeric ligatures through the checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization technique : A randomized split-mouth study. Journal of orofacial orthopedics = Fortschritte der Kieferorthopadie : Organ/official journal Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Kieferorthopadie 85 (Suppl 2) (2024)
volume 84, number Suppl 1, 2023
- Andreas Rainer Jordan, Kathrin Kuhr, Nicolas Frenzel Baudisch, Christian Kirschneck
- Christian Kirschneck, Kathrin Kuhr, Cristiana Ohm, Nicolas Frenzel Baudisch, Andreas Rainer JordanComparison of orthodontic treatment need and malocclusion prevalence according to KIG, ICON, and mIOTN in German 8- to 9-year-old children of the Sixth German Oral Health Study (DMS 6). Journal of orofacial orthopedics = Fortschritte der Kieferorthopadie : Organ/official journal Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Kieferorthopadie 84 (Suppl 1) (2023)