Publication Activity (10 Years)
Publications (10 Years): 5
University of East Anglia
United Kingdom
Senior Research Associate. Project: BBSRC Institute Programme Grant (ISP). Lead Objective 5 and co-lead the Objective 4 (The COB Study) of the mentioned ISP grant :: Nutrition and Preventive Medicine
United States
Postdoctoral fellow. Project: Convergence of the COX-2 and 5-lipoxygenase pathways. NIH grant GM076592. :: Department of Pharmacology
United States
Postdoctoral Fellow. Part time project: Oxidative metabolites of curcumin in the mouse intestine. Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center GI SPORE pilot grant :: Pharmacology
Postdoctoral fellow. Project for transference of investigation results (PETRI): Astaxanthin supplementation of pellets for adequate red porgy (Pagrus pagrus) coloration in commercial culture conditions. :: Animal Biology
Postdoctoral fellow. Project for transference of investigation results (PETRI): Astaxanthin supplementation of pellets for adequate red porgy (Pagrus pagrus) coloration in commercial culture conditions. :: Animal Biology
Scientific co-researcher in the national project: Valuation of common octopus (Octopus vulgaris) nutritional requirements :: Animal Biology
Scientific co-researcher in the national project: Influence of adding carotenoids in diet over pigmentation, lipid body composition and development of red porgy alevins (Pargo Pagrus pagrus). :: Animal Biology
Scientific co-researcher in the national project: Viability of the Black seabream (Spondyliosoma cantharus) culture :: Animal Biology
- Anneloes Martinsen, Rasha N M Saleh, Raphael Chouinard-Watkins, Richard Bazinet, Glenn Harden, James Dick, Noemi Tejera, Matthew G Pontifex, David Vauzour, Anne-Marie Minihane
- Teresa Díaz Calvo, Noemi Tejera, Iain McNamara, Gemma C Langridge, John Wain, Mark G Poolman, Dipali Singh
- Emily Stoakes, George M Savva, Ruby Coates, Noemi Tejera, Mark G Poolman, Andrew J Grant, John Wain, Dipali Singh
- Marina Nikolic, Aleksandra Konic Ristic, Antonio González-Sarrías, Geoffrey Istas, Mireia Urpi-Sarda, Margherita Dall'Asta, Laurent-Emmanuel Monfoulet, Lieselotte Cloetens, Banu Bayram, Maria Rosaria Tumolo, Mihail Chervenkov, Egeria Scoditti, Marika Massaro, Noemi Tejera, Desislava Abadjieva, Karen Chambers, Irena Krga, Francisco Abraham Tomás-Barberán, Christine Morand, Rodrigo Feliciano, Rocío García-Villalba, Mar Garcia-Aloy, Pedro Mena