Publication Activity (10 Years)
Publications (10 Years): 18
Maastricht University
Erasmus University Rotterdam (PHD)
Associate professor, full time (1.0 fte), permanent :: Department of Educational Development and Research
Visiting Researcher :: Center for Health Education Scholarship
Assistant professor :: Department of Educational Development and Research
Assistant professor, part time (0,8 fte), permanent :: Department of Educational Development and Research
Assistant professor, part time (0,2 fte), permanent :: Institute of Psychology
Assistant professor, full time, permanent :: Institute of Psychology
United States
Visiting Researcher :: College of Education
PhD student and Assistent Professor, full time, fixed term :: Institute of Psychology
PhD student, full time, fixed term :: Faculty of Psychology
PHD :: Promotor: Prof. Dr. Henk G. Schmidt. Co-promotor: Prof. Dr. Remy Rikers
MSC :: Cognitive Psychology
- Anique B H de Bruin
- Anique B H de Bruin
- Malou Stoffels, Andries S Koster, Stéphanie M E van der Burgt, Anique B H de Bruin, Hester E M Daelmans, Saskia M Peerdeman, Rashmi A Kusurkar
- Sarah Blissett, Emma Mensour, Jennifer M Shaw, Leslie Martin, Stephen Gauthier, Anique B H de Bruin, Samuel C Siu, Matt Sibbald
- Michelle J H Verheijden, Esther Giroldi, Valerie van den Eertwegh, Marscha Luijkx, Trudy van der Weijden, Anique B H de Bruin, Angelique Timmerman
- Jonathan S Ilgen, Glenn Regehr, Pim W Teunissen, Jonathan Sherbino, Anique B H de Bruin
- Jonathan S Ilgen, Pim W Teunissen, Anique B H de Bruin, Judith L Bowen, Glenn Regehr
- Anique B H de Bruin